Alternative to HWmonitor for Temps and battery back stats?

so Hwmonitor kicks ass.

it even monitors the battery back up.

if switch to ubuntu server. how would i monitor temps and battery? SSH? can you get in a clean format without five hundred other unwanted devices and sensors?

A couple different programs exist. Hardinfo and btop both are good system monitors.

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It comes down to how old your hardware is so that lm-sensors can detect it “properly” (you most likely would still have to do some clean up and formatting). Sadly lm-sensors is dead and nothing much is being done. There have been some work with the wmi drivers for new hardware, but that is laughably limited (no offense to the people working on those, as anything is better than nothing)

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oh yeah i’ve used hardinfo before, usually always lacked numerous sensors.

how old it is? i’m guess as in old enough to have software support due to lack of development like your saying

might as well give it a try again and try btop++ or something.