Alternative to BF3?

Battlefield is not what it used to be... please don't say COD.

Try out Planetside 2. the learning curve is a little steep, but it's worth it.

Thanks for the suggestion and it looks good.

Battlefield: 1942

It's free!

dust 514 is where I saw a lot BF3 people go but its ps3 only sadly



Dust 514 is kind of fun, but it runs like ASS.

It's still beta, but my PS3 heaves every time I play, and the grenade trajectories piss me off.  Are EVE grenandes made out of fucking lead?


I suggest Planet Side 2, but it's starting to irk me a bit more.  Partly every game update the infamous (4th faction) starts to ruin everything. (One of the empires gets a massive influx of new people tilting the battle always in their favors, on my server right now, its the NC which has at lest 4-6% population advantage, in a server of 1000 people, that can mean at lest 20-30 some odd more soliders/vechicles in the field.

Trying mixing it up do something different. Play a different game mode or class in bf3...

If your willing to look past the old graphics I would suggest America's Army 3, you can get it free on steam and it's a lot of fun.

Arma2 OA? Wasteland can be really fun and fairly tactical. Or even Arma 3 alpha, haven't tried it yet though.

heroes and generals  ww2 shooter currently free to play beta its fun takes me back to the 90s when cod was fun and wasent a twat fest

arma 2

That WW2 game looks good. I tried DUST514 but I don't really like future stuff.

Ah no, please, don't try out Planetside 2. Its a freemium game with bad optimization. You might want to look into Arma III or Arma II DayZ. If you're into a really cool sandbox FPS game that is currently in Alpha, try StarForge. It's cool.

please, that's why I can't bear planetside anymore. It's a cool game, but you have to pay a crapton of money for benefits...

shame you dont like future stuff I have quite enjoyed brink

Blacklight retrobution.

Red Orchestra 2 if you can deal with the complexity of the game controls.


Star wars battlefront 3 was going to come out, but disney cancelled it... People say it was going to be the Battlefield 4 of Star wars :(

But now it is more likely to become that unfortunaley. EA will probably put DICE in charge of making a FPS Star Wars game.

The the only alternatives to BF3 that I can think of would be Planetside 2 or Arma 3. However it really depends on what you're looking for an a replacement game to play.