I’d like to share my experience with that device. I was looking for some eGPU case for my workstation. Because I have few pci-e cards that I’d like to swap frequently depending on use case and I didn’t want to take apart my entire workstation every single time I do. I wanted fastest possible chassis (pci-e x4 necessary, I didn’t want 2x2 combo) with PSU that will be capable of handling 3090. Something possibly compact to sit on my desk without taking too much space since as workstation user - all my GPUs are blower style dual slot designs anyways.
And I settled on this:
It arrived, I hooked up GPU and it worked. But then it struck me… Yo duuuude, if I’d get pci-e → pci bridge I could hook up all my 20 years old pci cards to my workstation effortlessly! What a concept!..
Aaaaand then this concept started falling apart because pci needs 5v power and this enclosure only supports 12V… Or does it?..
I asked support and of course they told me Nah fam, only 12v. But somehow I didn’t trust them because PSU looked fairly standard. And indeed it was just SFX PSU made by FSP.
And conveniently it had two spare “peripherals” sockets:
Which were in fact working just fine:
After trying to reach out to OWC support and FSP support with no result, I decided to just YOLO buy some random FSP cables made for other PSU that looked similar at first glance… And it worked! (of course I checked pinout with multimeter first)
Both 5v and 3.3v work fine. It’s worth to note tho that Thunderbolt controller only controls 12v power line so 5v is ALWAYS on when PSU is switched on. but it typically doesn’t really matter. My pci cards kept registering just fine and worked just fine… soooo yeah.
What you can see on last photo is AKiTiO Node Titan running ancient, low profile pci-x based server network card with physcial bypass on power loss. It runs on 5v. I’m using InLine pci to pci-e bridge that takes 5v power via molex.
(card is lit up bc like I said 5v is always supplied via molex xD)
10/10, recommended.