After hacking my 3DS, I don't think I can spend money on nintendo products anymore

Before some weeb comes in and says something about piracy and nintendo losing money, the last time I bought a game new for my DS was when superstar saga got re-released. Before that was Pokemon X. Theres been few games I have been interested in, and fewer yet that are available for purchase that I even liked or wanted.

And now the EShop is closing.

This is not a piracy thread, go to reddit for that

In the last little while I got my 3DS hacked and I have been tweaking it and playing with it quietly. After quite a bit of time now and after finding the Ayn Odin, I don’t think I can buy a switch, let alone a Wii U. I might buy the games and get them dumped to then play on the Odin or on a Steam Deck, but I don’t want to reward Nintendo’s 10th century behavior.

After hacking my 3DS though… Guys I played Spyro on a 3DS. At like 48FPS after some tweaking. Probably if I fucked with it enough I could get solid 60 locked, playing with firmwares and memory schedulers and maybe overclocking… But meh, its good enough. IT WORKS IN THE FIRST PLACE LIKE WTF

The last nintendo console I got new, console in general, was the Wii. I wanted a Wii U so damn badly, and cried when the switch came out because I felt like I had been left behind, but I had a 3DS the whole time.

I know have all my carts dumped that I could dump, I am asking my sister for her carts so I have something new to play, and I am pulling out my rom collection from forever ago and copying my game discs. I find all of this to be hilarious that it even works, and even more so that I actually understand how this system works better than I do a desktop system, to an extent at least.

End of the day linux on a 3DS is kind of a joke but it still exists and thats cool.

I want to be a dipshit and port IRShell from the PSP over to it. Get a new home launcher.

As of now most of Nintendo’s sales are based on corporate moves EA made years ago, but now with the Japanese FOR THE EMPORER energy that no one asked for. I don’t want to reward that crap, and I refuse to. If I can get a game used, cool, if I can dump it myself, cool. Plenty of game stores I can spend 20 bucks at and walk out with a bucket of carts they got during covid.

Fact of the matter is Nintendo is changing from the company from my childhood to a modern federal capitalist company. Frankly I hate that, and I don’t want that shit. I guess federal empirialist since its japan XD

I’m not saying pirate shit just don’t spend your money on them. Get a Steam Deck and get better graphics and core performance for your games. Hell, better networking, better ram, better everything. If you NEED a switch, get one for cart dumping, and at that, get one without controllers thats modded.

I can never buy a new nintendo system ever again.

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Strangely, I feel the same way but with Apple products - pretty much exact same strategy.

Nintendo is a bit of love hate for me. On one hand I Love their games. On the other hand I dislike the planned obsolescence bullshit and their excessive protection of their IP.

With the advent of Linux, Steam and 4k 60 Hz APUs, I think I will simply buy a Chopin case and go with Steam and emulators. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I suspect these console manufacturers are going to have some serious competition with the Steam Deck.

Would be fairly simple:

  1. Make an official emulator and storefront to go with it
  2. ???
  3. MASSIVE profit.

I don’t even like that many of the games anymore. Like, SMT4 was fucking brilliant, Zelda is holy fuck, but most other games I tried ranged from meh to I can play this on steam with more content. It may be that when we are younger we don’t care as much, but I can still go to the play n trade by the highway, buy a random wii game or gamecube game I have never played, both systems I barely even have games for, and have more fun than any of the times I have played a switch. Its just… bad, I’m sorry, its just really really bad.

Half of the nintendo titles play like idle games, the other half are gunning for niches or for way wayyyy way way too wide of an audience. You have to pay for online play, the joycon drift thing is not going away any time soon, they’re a joke. The Wii U was my big interest because it was a DS but a home console.

EBoxes touch the market a little, but with the rabid 30 year old man children I graduated with still jacking off over amiibo’s, I don’t think thats reeeeally going to do much.

Hmmmm sounds like every console that had online capabilities that they then shut down.

Not to derail this but I dont.

The argument for PC over console has been viable for decades at various times in the market, and it never really caught on the same way.

Consoles are for a one button solution to play games. PCs and by extension the Steam Deck still have the stability, configuration, controller, and various many optimisation problems that consoles users will not deal with.

Sure its not command line editing, but even something simple as using a GUI, external to the game, to reconfigure button mapping is too much for a colsole user usually.

So while the deck is a far friendlier hardware form factor and being compared to the consoles (switch specifically) it is not even close to a console experience.

I would go so far as to say the Deck is actually another step further away from consoles as it requires some knowledge of Linux and how to fix it when (not if) it goes wrong.

On topic:
Down with Nintendo, long live console hacking!

I have a Wii sitting that I need to hack and make useful again… Slightly. And I am so tempted to get a Vita too.

I can actually attest to this. I suffoer from a couple things, so when I really need to sit and do one. single. thing. I don’t want to fumble with shit. Unless sitting and fumbling with it is exactly what I am doing.

Otherwise I’d like, for example, to list my games on my 3DS in NOT the nintendo OS launcher because its ass. But at the same time, if I change it, I can’t just sit poop turn it on and go. Theres benefits.

Go get a 3DS and crack both your wii and 3ds and get an SD card adapter. Imma be doing something fun soon.

Its literally a dual core PSP with a bigger GPU

Get anything else or get only a vita.

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Oh yeah I do not disparage the use of consoles, they do what they do. I am happy tinkering with games to get them to work, sometimes more so than playing them, so I like it but definitely see the the Deck is not a console. They both do their own well.

Yeah a Vita I think if I get any as I was always more Sony than Nintendo and I loved hacking on the PSP, only a user , not a coder.

I’d vastly prefer the 3ds in comparison