if i understand the rssi setting correctly , setting the dBm level higher from the default -75dBm to something like
-57dBm which is the signal strength avg read 4ft outside my house would prevent or reject anyone from locking on or in on the ssid , or at least reading the ssid info …not sure of the correct description of its function im i close in my understanding if so one biggy question it took me a
few goes to get the current AP up an running especially with the different ssid’s for all my gear an both times during my first an second attempt at setup in which
i had to do a total factory reset both times as i goofed up some things , but before an after any adjustments the config page were the rssi settings are i could not adjust them as it appeared that
the bandwidth steering need to be enabled to adjust the rssi dBm level but the bandwidth steering enable button was an is disabled (what i mean) not that it wasn’t selected but it
couldn’t be im not sure why , it might have been do to some setting i changed or didn’t hence the ref to ( total factory reset both time before an after any adjustments ) any step by step help to
enabling the option to enable the ability to change the rssi setting from -75dBm to -57dBm it would be great.
fyi i dont want or need any 2.4ghz signal or coverage on 5ghz an i prefer ch width set to 20hz verses 80hz or auto , i cant put my figure on the exact terminology on how to describe why
but my older AP (tp link wifi router) had a 20/40/60/80 hz ch width setting an when in the
default (wifi router mode) the 20hz option performed better an made a diff in
constant connection quality an coverage with my WIFI gear but when switching to the bridge AP mode the setting reverted to 80hz an couldn’t be changed while in that mode.
so sticking with 20hz ch width is a must unless some how that the cause of not being able to enabling the option to enable the ability to change the rssi setting.
please forgive if i sound like an extreme noob i learn as i go if i understand.