AdoredTV showing 8700 underperforming in OEM machine because it works correctly

The reason I don’t watch their videos is because it’s the same thing million times over.
"Let’s build a gaming pc, let’s build an office pc, let’s build watercooled pc, etc…
“This gpu is very fast, this gpu is very hot, that gpu is very shiny.” After 3 or 4 videos it just gets incredibly boring. And this applies to level1techs as well. When there are lot of reviews of the similar motherboards or graphics cards I just skip them. Unless it’s something new like Vega or Ryzen.

AdoredTV does all sorts of analytical videos like Intel, history of Anti-competitive Anti-Consumer monopoly. I think that is one of his strongest videos but nobody else talks about such things.


Love niche stuff like this though :smiley:

That reminds me, the designer was going to send me the designs once he sold out of cases, and that has come to pass. Will have to bug him about that. :star_struck:

I mostly miss videos like Apple vs FBI, or Mac Rehab - Macing for less, Freenas software tutorial, Microsoft is fucking the gaming community.

Those videos is what made THE TEK stand out from the rest, but they are so extremely rare.

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I kind of get bored of anti establishment stuff though,

trying to be edgy, non-conformist or against the grain… and then they all end up being the ‘same’ (kind of like goths)

I get really pissy when hunting for info and tech tubers release verbal shit.


for the 1%ers of the planet…

Reckon between denuvo + meltdown ‘average’ people will start needing monster intel rigs :smiley:

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So what you are telling me is you prefer drinking the kool-aid.

It looks nice but…where do i put my optical drive? I find the Predator 21X more extravagant than this tower.

No, just aware that both types of content were designed and manufactured to appeal to certain crowds… all for monetary purposes.