Additional Web Browsers on Linux

Hi folks.

I’ve been using Linux as my daily-driver for a couple of years now and it’s great for what I do on my own time, but I’ve found something I need some advice on.

At work I use Windows (7 specifically). This is required for Windows sysadmin-ery. I’ve found that I’ve been working on Office 365 more and more recently, so I often find myself needing multiple browsers open.

I’ve always used Firefox and Chrome on Windows, but IE is available if I need it.

In the same way I use Firefox and Chromium on Linux, but when I need to i have no third browser to open.

I’d like a browser to “sandbox” my personal Skype account in to eliminate any Microsoft crosstalk that may or may not be happening in the browser session.

Could anyone recommend a browser for Linux that is trustworthy for this purpose?

I’ve had a quick look at Midori, has anyone had experience with it? Are there any privacy concerns here?

Thanks for any input, Fantom.

For sanboxing you might want to check this add-on out:

Alternatively you can make use of private tabs.

Browsers that might be worth installing under Linux are Opera, Brave, Falkon (for KDE)

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Thanks for the reply, that add-on works great! Should help a lot with Office 365 :slight_smile:

I’m a bit skeptical about Opera due to their history.

Seems that Falkon used to be Qupzilla. I’ll probably check it out.

Cheers, Fantom.

My roommate got me started on Vivaldi and I’m starting to like it. It’s built on Chromium so all of your chrome extensions should just work.

I’ve heard about Vivaldi.

Looks promising, another I might check out, thanks.

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Brave browser is neat, I really like the concept. I switched to it as a daily driver for a bit but the sync utility was just not cutting it so i switched back to muttzilla for now. Is it a sandboxer? Not so sure.

What exactly do you mean by the term crosstalk?

You literally have thousands of choices. My primary and secondary browsers bounce between vivaldi and br’ve, with midori or a browser as close in design to safari as possible.

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GNOME Web (Epiphany)
Vivaldi (as mentioned)
Water Fox
Sea Monkey Suite

Just a few.

I don’t know why people keep recommending Brave. It’s terrible and shady.

Sooooo what particular use case is not solved by using Firefox or Chrome(ium?) with multiple profiles?

If you just want to “help yourself keep things separate” in order to prevent xsrf and similar e.g. while doing research for work, you can use something like Detangle, but that’s pretty heavy handed.