I tried to do find the instructions to add software to my Hirens Boot CD, I did put the needed files into 7z, and made the script and i get the Windows cannot find 'HDDRegenerator1.71Portable.7z'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.
The scripting I have for the cmd file.
@pushd "%~dp0"
@title HijackThis
@if "%COMPUTERNAME:~0,6%"=="MiniXP" echo This program does not work from MiniXP&echo You can run it from your installed Windows XP/Vista/7&pause
@7z.exe x -o"%TEMP%\HBCD" -y Files\HDDRegenerator1.71Portable.7z
@start "" /D"%TEMP%\HBCD" "HDDRegenerator1.71Portable.7z"
Any help would be awesome.