Accidental key presses with red switches

Hello guys!

I have bought a keyboard with Kailh red switches and i constantly keep pressing "A" key, especially when stressed in a game. So my guess is i should change the keyboard to one with black or brown switches, but i really have no idea which one. Would feeling the actuation point on browns help me or do i really have to go with blacks? I like how light these red switches are, its just one finger thats too heavy.

Blacks are made for gaming so get black they are quite nice I have them myself.

I use greens - you should be fine with blacks

Either lighten up or get heavier switches. I am currently using Cherry Reds and I am fine with not hitting things accidentally, but I will be swapping the springs to super heavy ones anyway as I bottom these out way too much. I can use reds fine, but I prefer heavier switches.


Quick rundown for cherry no idea about khail.

Red and Brown are 45g springs, so light touch but browns have a step which slightly increases resistance to typing, or at least notifies you that you have hit a key, red have no indication.

Blue is 50g with a click to hear and a tactile feel once you press the key

Black in 60g so heavier than red but still have no feedback for when you have pressed a key.

Clear are heavier browns, 65g, and have a heavier step when you press it compared to brown. 

Green, Grey (linear) and Grey (tactile) are all 80g springs. Green are clicky so you hear and feel them when you press them. Grey linear are very heavy version of the red and black so no feel at all. Grey tactile are a very heavy version of the clear, so there is a step to feel.

More complete info here:

EDIT edit: Khail switch info here:

thanks guys!

i'm really glad i asked because i'was looking mainly at browns, which now when i think about it, probably wouldn't help this problem at all. i would only notice the accidental press a bit quicker.

You'll definitely be fine with greens. My typing accuracy improved with 200 % when I went from reds to greens.

you got a brand new keyboard and going to abandon for just that reason? bah id just hang onto it and save the money man!

well i bought a cheapo Zalman keyboard on purpose since i didn't have an opportunity to try different switches before buying, so i was prepared for getting a different one the day i bought it. I'll just give this keyboard to my little brother, he'll sh*t his pants.

I hoped i will get used to the keyboard and the problem will go away but its almost 2 months and i still keep pressing that button. Its really frustrating when lets say i'm playing World of Tanks and when i'm almost finished aiming i press that button and have to start aiming again, which pretty often leads to enemy taking shot first. Or even better - falling off the cliff because i'm watching the minimap while driving and notice the keypress too late :D

I think that zalman keyboard is just a rebrand.

I'm rocking this keyboard right now - does it look similar?

poor keyboarding skills

for gaming you will want linear switches. your unfortunate only options are reds & blacks.

Depending on your keyboard you my be able to mod the for WASD switches to MX blacks if you want to void the warranty. It'll also give you a weird sensation typing as some keys will be heavier.for that reason I'd to them all or consider getting a new keyboard.

If you are into replacing switches there are also Linear Grey switches, heavier than black. Or if you are going to spring mod you can go what ever you want. I will be going 100g linear.

Yes its pretty much the same. I've seen some more rebrands of this board aswell.


I think i'll change the whole board. 

Another problem is that there are no 10-keyless boards with black switches available for me, unless i go for deliveries that are more expensive than the board itself. 

Just saying, I game just fine on my Kailh Brown keyboard and Cherry MX Blue keyboard.  I personally don't like linear switches (especially blacks), even for gaming.  I find that they're a lot more awkward to type on, and require really precise and deliberate movements to be able to type well.

I've tried browns, blues, reds, and blacks.  So far, my favorite is the Cherry MX blue, but this is really personal preference.  There's a noticeable bump, and it's loud when you're typing a long piece of writing.

The browns have a much, much more subtle bump.  It is, however, still noticeable and therefore isn't as bad as typing on a Cherry MX Black keyboard.

I don't like the black because the heavy/strong spring makes it feel like the key instantly rebounds, and kind of "sticks" to my finger due to its linear nature.  It messes me up a lot.

I recommend going into a store like Fry's Electronics or Best Buy and seeing if they have any keyboards on display for you to try typing on before you buy a keyboard.

If you've come from using conventional dome switch keyboards, you'll just need some time adjusting.
They need to be fully depressed for the keystroke to register, where the MX Reds register at 2mm of their full 4mm keystroke.

I have reds and still do the same thing from time to time. Just not as much as I used to.