About to buy my first house

Its now 6 days until I sign the paperwork. And thank you everyone who has posted there thoughts! At this point my loan and everything is done. So my worries now are how do I handle my neighbors. I’m an average guy, but I also don’t like people. Is being on first name bases and saying hi good enough? Of coarse I would help if asked, but what else goes into being a good neighbor?

basically everything you just said…

Be polite, share but dont over-share… Helping when needed is nice, and should come back around if you ever need it… but dont get sucked into endless weekends helping the same people over and over, you have to know how to say no as well…

Most importantly, DO NOT reject the first offer of a beer, decline the first offer and offence may be taken (remember you only really need to show up and have a beer, you dont necessarily need to help with tthe whole crate if you dont want too) , declining the second however does not have the same effect…

And try to stay out of dramas that started before your arrival… most decent people will realize and respect that while you might be curious, you dont really want to take sides…

Other than that, do for them what you would hope they would do for you… Keep an eye out for their property/ suspicious behavior in the area, call the cops if someones breaking in… if theres no-one home and the local ups/amazon delivery man leaves a package at there door in plain sight then grab it and give it to them when they get home etc etc ( the last one depends how well you get alone with them obviously).

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do… do people reject beer? Is that even possible?


I cannot drink piss water. So if it is Coors, Natural Ice, or the like, I would politely decline.

I am down for a stout any time though!

The above is some generally good advice.

I too struggle with piss water, but free beer is good beer imo.

Well I am conflicted…Have a woman and a baby then making a home you own is awesome.

A single man in this stupid world why bother just have fun.

Disclaimer: I am old and jaded :slight_smile:

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