A decent 100$ headset?

My PC gaming setup is in need of a new headset. I have been using Turtle Beach x12's that I have had for 4 years

when I use to play Xbox 360. Other then them having a crack due to there cheap build quality, it has lasted me for

ever. But the time has come. What are some good PC gaming headsets for around 100$? 

Linus posted a video really recently about a headset that he really liked which costs $80 (as of the day the video was released) so I think you may find it useful. Hope I helped! :)





Edit:  since I don't think the video linked properly, the video is called " HyperX Cloud Gaming Headset - Stuff that doesn't suck 2" And its on YouTube. 

Yea I actually watched that video last night. It seems like its good, but the build quality seems no better than my current turtle beaches. Thin plastic...

Loganus talks about the headset here too


I would really recommend buying one of these headphones


And sticking a modmic on it

