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Syncthing. I use syncthing to keep pictures, documents, etc synchronised between my home server, laptop, mobile.



Filezilla supports SFTP and FTPS. I just use that.


I see a lot of reports of filezilla having Malware. You must not be having any problems with it?

Been using it for years here.

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Just FileZilla’d into the pihole. looks good to me! thank

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From what I’ve seen, filezilla will install another app (I don’t remember which one) as a “sponsor app”. I believe that’s how they put it.
The way to get around it is clicking on advanced and disabling it before the install of filezilla. It’s easy to do.
That being said. The inclusion of this “feature” is the reason why I stopped using it many years ago. I Do Not Support Shady Tactics! And to me, not giving clear and precise info in situations like that is the quickest way to lose any support, monetarily or otherwise, from me.
I’m happy to support Dev’s in any appropriate way. But, at least to me, not telling someone explicitly how to disable an extra app that you’re not looking for, being a sponsor or not, is definitely shady.
It may have started before, but this is the first instance, for me at least, of the “dark patterns” we see today. This happened in the early to mid 2000’s and that impression has made filezilla a definite “nope” from me.
I apologize for the rant and ramble. Lol


What is this extra “sponsor app”? I installed from package manager

It didn’t seem to install anything else, and I am briefly skimming the source, I don’t see any other app: [filezilla] Index of /FileZilla3

It’s a small sample size but from this thread there are 2 endorsements and 2 objections to FileZilla. Is it safe?

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Filezilla is fucking ancient. I’ve never had an issue installing it, but I use Ninite to pull it on Windows and the package manager on Linux.

This is why I hate the whole windows install process…

It’s a windows user thing. Friends don’t let friends use Windows.


Ah yes, windows installers… you always have to dig through every sub menu to uncheck garbage…

my favorite is how most installers don’t properly clean up after themselves on uninstall and leave some files behind in certain directories. Or leave behind registry entries that sometimes break things later on reinstall or version changes.

I agree that hiding stuff in installers is a dark pattern.

I ran to an installer not to long ago that wanted to by default install google chrome AND set it as default! This hidden in a submenu meant for the uneducated user to skip by unknowingly, both checked on by default so you have to dig through opt-out. Which is terribly dirty, and also really chrome? Don’t you have enough market share you need to resort to such low advertising tactics? If i remembered the app I would name and shame.

This type of stuff shouldn’t be in installers…and if it is, it should at the very least be defaulted to off so you have to intentionally opt-in with user action.

This type of stuff irritates me, made a thread for it:

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As far as I am aware the second app doesn’t install on Linux. That being said, as I mentioned before, my experience happened in the 2000’s and that’s when I turned my back on it. I’ve never looked at it again, and yet 20ish years later I still remember discovering and deleting it. I apologize for not mentioning the the OS I was on at that time.

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Fair enough. No worries.

What do you use instead?

As far as ftp or are you asking what distro I use?


I just use the terminal

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It’s really no cause for alarm, because it’s impossible to download the installer with the bundled crap in the first place.

You’ll end up clicking directly on the malicious shit instead:

(Which download button downloads paint.net? Trick question, none of them do.)


Hmmm? Releases · paintdotnet/release · GitHub

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Not even on the first page of results if you search for “paint dot net download”, and not in the first mondo page of “more results” either, so the github download site might as well not exist.

I guess the point I was trying to make in a roundabout way is that nobody should be surprised by sneaky gifts in the installers if developers are willing to shit up their own websites like that.

ad-revenue driven company search engine sends you first to a page with a ton of ads


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Found it from

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