
Question to Wendell.

I was just messing with command prompt to try and get the steam os on a ssd without an uefi bios, and I thought of a question.

Why are we still reserving the a: and b: for floppy drives? isn't it time we moved on :)  and what would actually happen if you had more than 26 hard drives connected to a computer using all of the alphabet? 

I would create a 30 drive partition myself but i cant be arsed still trying to get this steam os thing working



You might be surprised, but people still use Floopy! For instance some of the older servers I've owned and work with use them for updating system hardware firmwares. Even some Government sectors report still using them.

As for the Running out of hard drive addressing space. Nothing interesting. You just cant mount or use any more drives. Which can be annoying when you need to plugin a USB stick. (My God Father used software called HyperOS which allowed for cloning of OS's between partitions. Hence the number of paritions)