A $1200 - $1300 build

I have posted before but looks like I'm not going  to spend money for a monitor. comments and suggestion needed. http://pcpartpicker.com/user/iAsuno/saved/1sCr

I want an Intel Build.

Nvidia GPU

I'm not in the US so I have no access to every part.

Prices are higher here.

I'm thinking about an NZXT Phantom 410 for a case, what do you think?

use pccasegear.com for the build. I would say you would be looking at an i5-3570k, gtx 670, reasonable mobo and ram etc.

I am not in Australia and have you tried looking at the link?

shameless bump.


Here ya' go.

No need for 16 gb and i think there is no h100i i can get here. the case is too expensive. 1300 is my max.