9600GT SC Or 8800GT OC?

I am wondering which one is better in performance and which one to get.


Thanks for the reply.

8800, u save save a bit more for a 9800gtx or 4850

Alright, thanks.

i agree with 21DD23 save just a little more and get a 9800GTX+ or 4850

the 9800GTX+ is too expensive for me right now. the EVGA 9600GT superclocked is $99.99 and so is the BFG 8800GT 512MB OC. I just needed to know which one would have higher performance.

the 8800gt its a good budget card bit faster than the 9600's.

8800GT for sure :D go for it

and when u purchase the card before pplaying put the fan to about 60% inorder for it to be able to cool down otherwise it will ovreheat :D

Thanks for the advice! :)