8350 on a 760GM-P23?

So my friend has been saving up money to upgrade his computer that he uses to livestream regularly. 

He has this motherboard http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813130630

and he wants to buy an FX-8350. I told him that it would probably be a bad idea, as the board doesn't seem to have the power delivery necessary to not catch fire under load with this monster 8 core. He currently has a FX 4 core. He swears that the 8350 is supported on his motherboard, but I am dubious about this fact.

So if someone could help by saying who is right and why that would be great! I am not as familiar with AMD as I am with intel, so that is why I am asking you guys.

a asus m5-970 barely has the power to support the 8350... that should be enough info to tell him he needs a 990fx (min) to even run a 8000 series FX chip. the vrm would be toast after a few hours of streaming from the demands. the only support is the socket it's self ( am3+ = FX chips) look at other fourms on the topic (will it run or will it toast)

Thank You! Thats what I was telling him! There is no way he could cool the mosfets and chokes enough to keep the board from burning up.