"8-pin to sata" adapter??

i’ve heard many on here having issues with pata to sata adapter, personally i’ve never have an issue with them. just might be lucky? researching my next build i need more sata 4 u.2 drive to be specific,

Whats you’ll thoughts on running 1 or 2 of those for 4 Kioxia CM6 drives?

If you have the cash for CM6s, you should also have the cash to buy a power supply that properly supports the number of drives you need. Maybe not natively but at least with some extra modular cables.

From the looks of this adapter, it has a DC-DC converter to step down the 12v input to 5v for the 5v rail required by the drives. How clean is the output power? How reliable is it? These questions are pretty much unknown.

Some converters when they fail, they create a short between input and output. If that is the case with this particular converter, then you now have 12v sent straight to the 5v circuitry of whatever you have plugged in, and this is almost guaranteed to fry them.


I would avoid that just because the drives use quite a lot of power and there’s no guarantee the electronics inside that thing (the step down from 12V to 5V) is reliable or has all the protections in case of a failure.

Splitters can be fine if they’re properly made and the source power is reliable. But this thing has an unknown step down circuit inside.

Bottom line: power them reliably from the power supply, if you have the connections for it. If not consider switching out the power supply you chose since you’re gonna be powering expensive equipment with it.

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Looking at the data sheet, those drives only use 12 V and 3,3 V making this adapter useless

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OP this is dangerous and you should do your best to avoid it.

The 8pin PSU plug is 4x 12V pins and corresponding ground pins.
SATA plugs need 3.3V VDC, 5V VDC and 12V DC. This strange box probably has some kind of transformer, but here’s the trick - the 3.3V line has to come from PSU, or else it’s not gonna work properly. 3.3V is for hotplug btw

i think some might be missing important information. while OP didn’t mention it, this could be a 12VO system. with 12VO being pushed so hard, products like being posted will be “needed” more and more in order to add more drives than the motherboards are set up too power.

That 8pin, may not be pinned out appropriately [pending on PSU vendor(s)]
Better off getting a PSU, with suitable amount of SATA drive link connections

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