7870 vs gtx670 ftw vs 7970 for Bf3

I'm leaning toward the 670 ftw as most reviews show that nividea cards run bf3 better on a single 1920by 1080. 

the drop, if there is one, will be negligable, the 7970 is actually roughly equivalent to the 680 and has a gig more vram, I reccomend the sapphire model, it runs pretty cool...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't more than 2 gig vram unnecessary for 1 1080 monitor?

ehhh, the 7970 is still cheaper than the 680 anyways.... AND YOU CAN NEVER HAVE TOO MUCH MEMORY

Yeah, 680 isn't worth it, I was thinking more of a 2 gig 670. The 7970's and 670's are similar in price, with the 7970 a couple bucks more. This is also relevant to my question I was going to ask, as the 670 and 7970 are in my consideration right now.

I have the EVGA 670 FTW and it is great.  Runs BF3 with everything enabled at 1080p at around 68-70 fps on kharg island and the other large conquest maps.  Price/performance wise it is the way to go between the cards you have listed.
This is especially true when considering the $370 (after MIR) that newegg is currently asking.
