This is my first custom build PC, I'm a poor Canadian uni-student. So I only have 610usd budget or 700~ CAD. I'm willing to buy used parts to build this, and I also need a monitor because my current monitor is only 1366x720 or something.
This is what I came up by myself but I have some concern about the CPU (multitasking problems?)
The toxic 280x is a used graphic card that I will buy in a few days locally.
Storage will be savage from my old pre-built system (500gbs) and upgrade to ssd once I have the money
both of their builds are nice... BUT and this is a big butt ;) anyways enough of the goofiness. since you mentioned going used get a 7970 off ebay instead of a 280x it's the same card and they run about 30-40 dollars cheaper