6TB Seagate need help to get rid of Data Integrity Feature (DIF)

I recently purchased 10x ST6000NM0034 SAS drives which I am trying to use for my TrueNAS Scale NAS but am unable to figure out how to get them to stop using DIF

I have tried running openSeaChest_Format --device [device] --formatUnit 512 --protectionType 0 --confirm this-will-erase-data to make the drive not being in DIF format/mode but it did not work

Saw this might be worth a check. If not will keep checking to help you out

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That is what I initially tried and came across the openSeaChest_Format command from and did not find it to be the most help but could be me doing something wrong

Okay will keep looking in trying to help you out

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Trying to get some kind of base line to what you have or have not done yet

I have not done that and have no way of doing that since they are SAS drives and my only SAS compatible computer is the server they are currently in which runs TrueNAS Scale (aka a version of Linux) and that appears to be windows only commands.

Tried the sg_format guide I wrote ages ago? Google 520 byte to 512 byte except yours might be 4096 bytes

Wow we sure in a pickle here.

I read it over but was unsure about how applicable it was due to being for SSDs

root@truenas[~]# sg_format /dev/sdi SEAGATE ST6000NM0034 E0G5 peripheral_type: disk [0x0] << supports protection information>> Unit serial number: Z4D119BY0000R541MH6N LU name: 5000c50083a5fb73 Mode Sense (block descriptor) data, prior to changes: <<< longlba flag set (64 bit lba) >>> Number of blocks=11721045168 [0x2baa0f4b0] Block size=512 [0x200] Read Capacity (16) results: Protection: prot_en=0, p_type=0, p_i_exponent=0 Logical block provisioning: lbpme=0, lbprz=0 Logical blocks per physical block exponent=3 Lowest aligned logical block address=0 Number of logical blocks=11721045168 Logical block size=512 bytes No changes made. To format use '--format'. To resize use '--resize'

so do you think it would work?

Same approach to format to 512 or 4k? Yeah
Sometimes it’s the raid controller interference with the generic scsi commands

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looks like it worked thank you.

now i just need to figure out how to run it on the two drives I had run that command on but accidentally interrupted before letting finish (mainly due to shell getting cleared and clearing commands due to how short the token lifetime for the gui was)

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Glad you got things figured out

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