Wanted to know if the 660 (non-Ti) EVGA FTW Editon is a good value for this build or would a 650 Ti Boost be able to run at Max Settings at 60+ FPS? Thanks!
The question is... What game?
Crysis, Battlefield, Bioshock, Borderlands, most AAA titles. Hopefully want it to handle into 2014 sometime.
On a 750$ build...?
That's all I can spend?
hd 7870tx 2gb is probably a better card at the price range of a EVGA 660
The 650 Ti Boost is very close to a 660 tho
I saw that. I'm hoping to primarily play BF4. Since it is AMD optimized, do you think it's better going with it? I was originally going to go with the EVGA 650ti SSC or the EVGA 660 FTW. Yes an Nvidia fanboy :D
well the bf4 footage you have seen was reportedly run on a AMD HD 7990 and iam gessing with the way next gen consoles are going useing amd hardwhere we will start seeing a lot more amd optimised games comeing
Its going to be a interesting 2014 to see what pans out if it was me ied be happy geting the amd card
Okay guys. I may get some wicked criticism on this build, but here's the link check it out. $685. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/OvbZ
I meant you could get more than a 660 in there.
However much you can spend is all to you man, didn't try to come off judging lols.
I guess a 660 is more appropriate for the price point than I thought. 7870 > 660 tho.
I'm selling a 660 ti MSI power edition for 250 dollar very slightly used. add me on steam if interested [OC] Masterfry
So confused. I'm a very unbiased soul in terms of Nvidia/AMD but I just can't make up my mind. Was originally going with the 650 Ti SSC from EVGA and then had some cash to spare so I thought about ramping it up to a 660. Never really paid attention to the 7870 XT. Can someone show me the performance of the 7870 XT vs say 660 FTW? Or any 660 EVGA card. I'm trying to stay with the i3 because for gaming that's amazing for the price you pay. Never really had much luck with AMD CPU's. Guess I have had a bias after all. I hope to be able to get this Acer IPS monitor: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824009483&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=
Now, reason for me bringing that up is that as it is an IPS pannel, to my knowledge it can only push 60Hz. I want all my games to be able to never dip below that threshold.
7870XT is like the a middleman between a 660ti and 7950..So..ye.
And I don't really suggest an i3 but whateva.
The i3 has hyper threading so it is seen as a quad-core, and in most tests I've seen it can beat AMD counterparts.