Been a long time since I’ve been on here (not that I’ve ever been very active), but thought I’d share a project I’ve been working on for a while. If it’s ever fully complete it will be a functioning NES emulator, but honestly that’s mostly an excuse to emulate the 6502 CPU. Here’s a screenshot I have of it and a link to the git (C++)
Currently I’m just working my way though completing the rest of the opcodes. I’m probably 1/3 of the way through them, but I had a lot of initial setup, both with just getting the code execution and testing that wasn’t verbose af.
Few interesting points of note:
- Everything is in C++, only imported libraries are ncurses, and when I get to actual graphics, X11
- Beyond just the functionality of each opcode, I also have to make sure I emulate the correct cycle count as well.
Didn’t really have any intent other than sharing my project (sadly I realize I’ve come back too late to win cool prizes). Would love to answer any questions or just generally talk about related topics.