hi i was jsut woundering if this build http://pcpartpicker.com/user/zoura20/saved/1n3J will run BF3 on high settings if nt tell me some changes i can make to play BF3 on high with no lag thanks
Why in gods name would you buy and APU and a dedicated graphics card that doesn't crossfire with it. Dis build is full retard.
Single channel 1600
500gb harddrive
Buying windows, hue
would this http://pcpartpicker.com/user/zoura20/saved/1nrR be better sorry i am a noob :3
buy an a6 3670k it will save cash and if you get a nice heatsink and oc it (easy because of open multiplier) will run bf3 on high and also get a better graphics card with cash saved.. just pirate win 7.. i could help lol...buy 2x4gb not 1x8gb memory and it will b faster.. good luck
the second one is almost worse, alright if you got 500$ i say go phenom II either 955 or 965 x4, get a Gigabyte 970a d3 mobo (great upgradeabilttty), probably a corsair cx 500 (psu), 8 gb 1600mhz-1866 mhz, make sure to check to memory support list http://www.gigabyte.us/products/product-page.aspx?pid=3908#sp for that board here. The 7770 is a good choice, read some reviews on whatever manufacturer u go with. An nzxt source 210 would do you good as a case. Toshiba drives tank (my experiences) go for a WD blue 320gb or 500, whatever. Going integrated wont be the best choice unless your budget is minimal.
oh and pc part picker may seem to always have the best deals but it only gets updated so often go to individual retailers for the best deals
eh maybe tigerdirect
so this http://pcpartpicker.com/p/LWPT would be good