I’ve been getting 522 error and other odd errors and connection problems with the forum, like user avatars not loading, notifications disappearing /not showing.
I’ve also been told I’m not the only one with this problem and that other European users are experiencing the same issues. So this thread is part bug report, part probing thread to find out how many are having issues.
Yeah, it got worse over the last couple weeks for me and it seems to be cloudflare in my case. I’m now using google DNS and everything is snappy as it should be.
I’m having problems as well.
Most times it seems to be between cloudflares server in Copenhagen (Europe) and the forum server.
If the forum loads, it does so slowly, doesn’t load pictures, avatars, long threads stop auto loading replies. Logging in is also extremely slow.
I have problems both at home and on mobile.
I had my router set to openDNS, and I’ve tried switching to googles, but with no improvment.
On mobile it’s my cell providers dns.
Connectting with nordvpn to their US based servers is the best fix I’ve come up with. This bypass cloudflares servers in my country.
Yeah certain users from the EU seem to have this issue.
I’m not sure if this issue might be related to cloudflare´s servers.
Or that it might be a DNS issue.
Also which browsers does this happen?
And do you guys use https over dns in the browser or not?
I don´t encourter any issues on my end.
And i´m also from the EU.
I don’t think so.
From what I gather from the wikipedia article I read, it’s still experimental/beta in chrome.
Unless some flags are set. Which I haven’t.
Sorry yes that is what i ment.
Firefox has added this feature to their browsers,
a few versions back.
And so did chrome lately.
In some cases it might be enabled by default using cloudflares dns severs,
instead of your local dns.