$50-100 Speakers

I’ve been rocking a cheap-o speaker system for my PC for nearly 5 years now and started to want a new system; preferably 5.1 or heck 7.1, if it is within my said budget of $50-100


You aren't going to get a decent 5.1 or 7.1 for under $100. For $106 though, you can get something along those lines. Not the best audio quality, but if you want a real surround sound system, then this is the easiest and cheapest route to get something decent.

EDIT: can be had cheaper on the Monoprice website, though you do have to pay for shipping.

P.s. You won't have a receiver with something like this, but at this price point, you can't expect to.

Are you doing suround sound gaming or are you putting them just on your desk. If its just on your desk I would suggest this 2.1 setup.


You could also check out this video on best speakers for $100 dollars

Honestly for $100 I would suggest a good pair of headphones you will have a better sound experience then trying to get a surround sound set up.

here is a 5.1 that has a lot of good reviews but is a little out side the price bracket.

Go to a thrift store.

Good will has plenty of receivers and book shelf speakers.

I have been able to put together 5.1 setups for as little as 45 bucks and it would kill those stupid mono price speakers.

I can personally vouch for the exceptional quality of everything Monoprice. They really do seem to care about the best product at the lowest price. Whilst I haven't bought their speakers (I am using a 2.0 set of Blackweb speakers, a new Walmart brand) I have heard nothing that would cause me to think they are an exception to the rule.

$50-100 won't get you much for surround sound.

Speakers should be a one time purchase, so I recommend getting a decent system that will last you for years.

I personally went with the Monoprice 10565 5.1 speaker set (their higher end system) ($200-250) and an av receiver ($250-300). I went with this because there were no 'high end' PC surround speaker sets out there. Honestly, they sound good, but I wish I had spend a bit more money for a better system.

Just a note: like said above, you can get the Monoprice 108247 system, but they are terrible speakers (and probably one of the BETTER choices for that price range).