5.5-inch 2560 x 1440 Smartphone Display with 538 PPI

Checkout what lg just made 


Bye-bye battery life

One stop closer to a 4k monitor for $150.

I want to see a hardware hack for this thing. Have a ton of them side by side. It would be glorious.

I wish they made high resolution 3 inch screens so I could put them in GBAs for my Retro hacks

I wish they would start doing some physics and get the theoretical amount of energy needed to get a certain amount of nits and aim for that. I don't care about res as much as I do efficientcy. All these companies say they are working on battery technology but it seems they are doing this instead. 

It might seem as though they aren't making any progress with battery life and efficiency when compared to things like resolutions, but it is possible that the progress with battery life and efficiency is just slower going than we would like to see. It is completely possible that these companies are just putting out the advancements that they make as they make them. It is also possible that they do genuinely want to make steps forward with efficiency, but are limited with what they can do. Having a "green" line of gadgets seems like a good idea. That said, I have no idea what is actually going on behind the screen. I am just putting out a different perspective on things. Call me the devil's advocate.

Would this put me in the 1440p club? 

Because I feel like this would be cheating..

but seriously if you guys find a 2.9 to 3 inch 16:9 screens that has above 400x240 let me know

Why would they do this? FullHD is already overkill, making a sharper display is pointless. Atleast qualcomm is bringing back mirasol for next year. 

Yea, surely there is a limit to the pixel density the human eye can register

PFFFT! Battery Life? We nerds don't leave the house.