My 27inch 144hz monitor died so back to using my 15inch laptop screen , its fine but I do miss the larger screen estate .
a few days ago I decided to plug my laptop into my Girlfriends 43inch 4k tv and omg it looked amazing !! so it got me thinking maybe I should grab one!!.
But I better get advise in here first.
Is there any reason not to get a tv over a monitor?
A few things about my pc habits, I dont play fps games, I don’t care if my game cant hit 60fps… just as long as its smooth and looks good, only web browsing I do is watching YouTube vids.
I do all my editing of documents, shopping and other web related task on a ipad mini.
Short answer is My pc is just a over powered console that boots directly into big picture mode on steam.
Considering everything you have said… No I would not think a TV would be any worse than a Monitor.
That’s said, try to see if the TV you want has a PC mode, generally that cuts out all the image processing TVs do, like frame smoothing, colour and contrast adjustments and so on, and reduces input latency as a result. It just passes the PC image straight shrough to the display and does not mess with it in between.
Did this as an experiment, used a 43" 4K TCL TV as a monitor. It works, and it still use it occasionally, but there are limitations. First, at normal monitor / desktop distance, the screen is too tall for range of vision. Developed the habit putting much used windows only in the lower 2/3. Also the viewing angle is too narrow when that close. Curiously, this TV in PC mode offers poor performance showing video (from the computer).
So … usable but not great. Good enough for limited use. Also cheap at ~$250.