45 Drives: Our Chassis, Our Mods and Houston Command Center

Great video as always, learned a few new things I plan to try on my local network storage, but one thing came to mind, maybe someone here knows the answer to.

Wendell talked about a steam cache running on the 45 drives machine, and I was wondering if there’s a Windows\Linux update cache container that I can deploy on my network.

you see I set up donation PCs with Ubuntu, and I set them up from an image that I update every couple of months or if there’s a large batch of them. so one of the first things I do after the image has been running on the machine is updates, and that sometimes reaches 450-500~ MB per machine.

so if anyone knows of something like this i’d be grateful for a link or a name.

Disclaimer I haven’t used podman yet, but I saw some people mount the /dev dir to the pod, on docker I use the approach of the nvidia container runtime with the following:

  "runtimes": {
    "nvidia": {
      "path": "/usr/bin/nvidia-container-runtime",
      "runtimeArgs": []
  "default-runtime": "nvidia"

and then the compose file:

          - driver: nvidia
            count: 1
            capabilities: [gpu, utility, video]

Don’t know if it will help.

Thank you for the pointer. I found the Intel GPU device plugin for Kubernetes for my Intel iGPU.

Now I just have to find time and test if it’s possible to use Device Plugins with Podman and use it as DaemonSet. This example YAML shows how to deploy it, and with

          gpu.intel.com/i915: 1

added to my pod it should work. :crossed_fingers:

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And then the dev behind the optimans zfs port has archived his version, leaving the field to 45-drives crew!

Thanks Mr Optimans-Corp, whoever you were :slight_smile:

re: linux update cache…

For “deb” packages, “apt-cacher-ng” is what I use for debian/ubuntu bare-metal, conatainers, and VMs. It’s fairly easy to set up, and includes a web UI to display some basic information and do some maintenance. For Ubuntu’s “snap" packages, I also use Ubuntu’s “snap-store-proxy” - not as easy to set up - no web UI, but together, they save me some bandwidth (cellular connection, only - living in a camper).

It’s been a minute since this post, but just to update, I deployed a squid cache in my router, and that works great. the router, not so much.

I’m stupid - I saw “Jul '21”, and thought - July 21st of this year. :grinning:

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It’s fine, it is a bit confusing.