4-month long nightmare

True often times when presented with a troubling issue time and time again it proves to be a simple answer.
Myself I rarely overclock anything because i simply dont need the performance boost for all the tasks I do.
Due to rising cost i try to dissuade overclocking and undervolting anything due to the risk of damage if you go too far with it.

Like building a radio many people make the mistake of installing all like components before soldering and misread value, results often end up creating a smoke generator.
Taking your time and paying attention to all the details goes a long way in creating a working device.
Making up a check off sheet minimizes the chance of a screwup.


It does.

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I’ve been using the TR torque wrench from my previous build, but you’re right, I really should get myself a good torque wrench and do it properly. Thanks for the advice.

There is no 12v non-ECC memory that can be used in any of these WS/Server platforms. that being said, I was able to get 64GB RDIMMs working in W790 easily and was even able to overclock them a decent amount.

Good to know! Thank you!

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That is very cool! Thank you!

Hi man,

Have you solved somehow the issues with the Asrock GENOAD8X*2T motherboard? I have exactly same issues. Bought 3 of them. First one was working for aprox. 4 months. After that, sudenly stoped working. Machine looks like running but was aunable to shut ity down, only via PSU. When I started it again, same symptoms like you have described. Fans spinining and debug led ligth up with 0x00 code. So I changed it for second and its working. Yesterday I built new machine with the third MB, and I am unable to start it. Same like you have described, power led is green, I can even access management console via IPMI, but starting via console or via button not doing anything. And exactly like you said, that MB is great, just seems have some issues.

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