3D printing a CPU case

I want to print a case for a CPU I have (intel 12100F OEM), and I’m a bit concerned with ESD, and how little I know about the topic.

Motherboards and graphics come in a special ESD-safe bag. If I understand correctly, it prevents a charge from entering the bag, and it also doesn’t build up charge by itself. So it insulates the contents.

The regular PLA filament would also create an isolation, but PLA can also build up charge? Is that the advantage an ESD-safe filament would have?

Today a spool of ESD PET-G arrived by Fiberlogy. I was wondering if it would be enough to print the bottom part of the box that holds the CPU with the ESD PET-G, and the lid could be PLA? Since it only comes in black, I could use a red PLA lid for AMD or blue for Intel.

ESD-Safe packages comes in three varieties:

  • Dissipative - The pink bags with the yellow triangle with a “D” below it. They usually have an expiry date on them since the coating wears off over time.

  • Shielding - The metallic bags, yellow triangle has an “S” below it. These will actually keep EMI (to an extent) away from the parts inside. Surface resistance somewhere in the Mega-Ohm Range.

  • Conductive - Those bags with grid-patterns on them. Marking letter is “C”. Surface resistance in the low Kilo-Ohm range

Grounding of the components relativ to each other would be a concern. As in: You need proper grounding.

Ok, what do I do?

I am not really sure.
One way I could see is making edge and corner pieces 3D-printed with sheet metal (or Dibond) making up the flat surfaces. Then it is a matter of connecting metal to metal using screws, wires and Ring-Terminals.

Unless the latest custom firmware enables my Ender 3 V2 to print metal, don’t really see that a viable path for me.

Also the original CPU boxes are not that contrived.

My recommendation is this:

print it to rest on the edges of the PCB, not the pins/pads. Then have the cover either slide or snap on, putting light pressure on it, to hold it in place.

Something sorta like this:


I assumed you wrote CPU meaning to write PC.
Ignore what I said (except the part about ESD)!

Okay, so, CPU-carrier/case:
For LGA-CPUs, I would sit the CPUs on ESD-foam and lock them in place using a plastic cover from the top.


In my mind, there would be a sort of ledge where the CPU would sit down ~2mm from the rest of the case, but that ledge would be small enough that it wouldn’t touch the pads.


I haven’t looked closely at an Intel CPU since skylake, so I can’t say if that’s still possible.

Shit picture Found a better one, but it looks to be done that way:

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Yeah, basically this!

I printed this box for an AMD cpu: DK AMD CPU Case (AM2, AM2+, AM3, AM3+, AM4/Ryzen / Socket 754/939) by d3rdav3 - Thingiverse

This would be the template for the intel, so I can learn a bit of modelling using something already functional.

Edit: so if I print this with the fancy pants ESD material, I would be good?

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