Never gets above 40 C on either one. Using Universal Waterblocks from Swiftech, with lil heatsinks on vrms, and fan blowing across cards. This PC might dump out the heat at times, but at least none of it stays in the case. vrms can get cooking, kinda wish I went with a full cover block for at least the top card, but that is only an issue when ramping up voltage.
I had an overclock on GPU's, but Star Citizen didn't like it. Battlefield liked it, but not Star Citizen lol. So back to default until I find a stable overclock for that game.
The 290/ haswell scores have me dissappointed. Been looking at that for a while, and every result has me convinced that I should sit on pitcairn at least a year longer. Here is to hoping Nvidia fires back at AMD on GPU's. I might drop some cash on a top tier card in the next few quarters if they prove to be promising.
hmm maybe well my ram is installed with the xmp profile 1 with gives me 1866 mhz but. I know I could push it too 2133 mhz. also i have overclock my cpu to turbo boost to 4.2 ghz there some build in overclocks on my motherboard. But I am afraid of overheating it and I cant find a straight answer on how much it cant take this cpu and right now with my noctua DH-15 it peaks about 58 degrees keeps it pretty stable 55 degrees at full load with prime 95. So if you can help maybe to push a bit more that will be awesome
You should probably check out and look through the RAM section. I'm sure at least a couple of guys there could point you in the right direction. GPU overclock would be more beneficial for score. If anything you could try using different drivers for GPU. The score you have for your 780 doesn't feel right to me.
so I have look into it and i got my ram up to 2133 mhz my cpu up to 4.6 ghz on turbo and Gpu over clock with ram on 7010 mhz and core clock around 1.200 mhz and this is my 3dmark score now