$250 Computer For My Nephew

yep that would be fine

need a usb wi-fi adapter?

Whichever one you feel is better.

I am going to order the parts tomorrow, so I can buy parts that work with either one.

Now that you mention it, I have a spare USB wi-fi adapter that I can send to him. I also could give him my wireless card since I don't use it (I am using an ethernet cable).

I sent both of you my mailing address via the site, but I believe it sends out an email.

Let me know if you've received it.

got it

people don't get held back in the UK, it's more of a push that if you don't practise reading and you don't seek help or do extra you're going to fail next year so tough luck is the state of mind my school has. I was pushed forwards in school in certain subjects but being held back seems more damaging than having to work harder the next year, but I hope everything gets better after this for the little guy, I've spoken to the nicest i've met on here and some of them have come to your rescue, so hope it goes great and keep us posted; good luck my friend.

Hey Fitchx, I received the harddrive in the mail! Thanks again bro!

What the fuck are you doing, OP. $250 for a PC + OS + peripherals? Yeah, nah. As far as OS goes, either use Linux, or pirate Windows 7.

You don't even need an aftermarket CPU cooler for such a cheap build... holy cow.

Logical Increments' 'Destitute' tier is roughly $220, and would be a good start for you. http://www.logicalincrements.com/

For $250, though, why not just buy a cheap netbook/laptop? Or a Chromebook? I don't think he really needs to be gaming on this thing.

No problem! Glad you could use it. I Might hit you up for some website stuff some time if that's cool

+1   you rock dude!

$250 for the base PC, it will end up being around $400-500 for everything you mentioned.

I don't want to go the laptop route because little kids + laptop = broken laptop.

Thanks for sharing the link though.