[21:9 FIX WAS CREATED] You should try Halo 3 on PC

Post your Spartans

You are my savior, this game is the shit

Give me some background. First time playing Halo? Thoughts on it prior to playing it?

long time halo player here, remember not so long ago when logan said he rather play half life over halo well let me just say i disagree with him on that

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Will do when I get home

Should we set up a Tek Syndicate server? Are enough people playing?

I cant play frequently until summer because school, so I'm out for now

Actually Halo was kinda what I was raised on, when I got my 360 I got a copy of Halo 3 but I didn't have Xbox Live for over a year. By the time I got Live, I had other games I felt were more important. Thus I never experienced anything but the campaign. Playing against other people was the crazy new experience part, and it was amazing. It felt like an entirely different game actually. A childhood favorite with a new life that I never knew it could have.

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41 people downloaded the game. That's pretty frikkin cool. Way to be open minded guys.

I have fond memories of playing halo 1 (PC) campaign on legendary.

I would do this if the campaign was also included.

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i play this on and off along with many other random games. i have way to many PC games over 100 on steam and dozens more from GOG and other places.

Need to get a new copy of Halo 1, my got scratched a long time ago. Still some of the best times I had in halo, and the modding scene is still going today, smaller but still. While I'll miss the campaign, PC halo is to nice to pass up.

@looming-hawk I wish I could have restraint like you... I have 500 on steam and 800 on gog....

Just downloaded. This is Halo 3 for sure. Very fun.

Although I have never played this on PC till now and even then it has been a while and these guys are pretty damn good lol

We should get a TS match goin.


You remember how terrible the netcode was? OMG, it was aweful. If you had two jeeps ram each other, each player saw something different. One screen you'd won the joust, another screen you were dead. lol.

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Haha ya, it was pretty bad at that. The frustration builds character lol

lul, until it's 2014 and suddenly bf3/4 netcode is the end of the world because you missed.

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Thanks for this! It's been a while since I played Halo 3, but playing it again on PC all the memories came flooding back!

@kewldude007 Your forge wishes might be coming true.

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21:9 fix is up.

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