2000$ Gaming + workbench

Hi everyone!

I've finally gotten the means to it and have decided to build a beast of a PC,
I've been gaming on laptops the past ~8 years, and now that i have the money, i wanna go all out!

This is the first desktop i'm building, but i have a two brothers who has done a few build, so the building part won't be an issue.
I am taking a multimedia degree, so a little CPU power was needed for video editing, graphical editing etc.

The requirements was:

Running Star citizen at high res.

G-sync ready GPU

Watercooled cpu (Childhood dream)

Min. 16 BG RAM

SSD for OS


What didn't matter:

HDD storage (1TB max.)

Size (Rather big and ventilated than small and movable)

And the Build i came up with is:


Intel 4770K


ASUS GeForce® GTX 780 DirectCU II





Crucial 2x8 DDR3


Intel 530 120GB


WD Blue 1TB


Corsair RM750


Corsair Hydro Series H105 240mm

some more fans..


Corsair Vengeance C70

So i just wanted to get some feedback on things like, bottlenecks, compatibility etc. 

Oh and I live in denmark.



I would recommend steering away from that motherboard. I have read that it has some problems like every other Gigabyte mother board. Go with an Asus or Asrock motherboard.

-_-  over at linus tech tips i was told that MSI-Z87-G45 GAMING sucked and was referred to this gigabyte board.. can you recommend any boards around 165$ then:)

I don't understand why the MSI-Z87-G45 was considered bad. Thats not a bad MB. The ASRock Z87 Extreme6 is a decent board too. I think that people at LTT just really hate MSI. But I have heard more horror stories about Gigabyte motherboards, or Gigabyte anything, and won't touch them.

I googled: "gigabyte mobo horror" and "msi mobo horror". the MSI results lead to threads about bad gigabyte boards, saying that you should go for MSI XD

LOL thats pretty funny. It is true though, gigabyte tries to outsell of manufacturers by using cheaper parts so they can meet a lower price point. But the reliability of their products suffer as a result. Ergo they get a bad rep.