I currently have two, 24" 1080p monitors. I'm currently running a GTX 760 4GB (if anybody happens to know if these are still in demand for their amazing SLI, please let me know. It would help to sell it cover part of the cost of what I'm doing). By the end of this year, I'd like to get a GTX 970 and a 27" 1440P monitor. Multi monitoring games doesn't interest me. I don't like the angles and black borders that are the ends of the screens. Closest thing I'd do would be a super wide curved monitor, but we aren't there yet.
One: does the 970 VRAM need active cooling? I use GPU waterblocks and thermal double-sided tape heat sinks for the VRAM or MOSFET because that's waaayyy cheaper than cold plates.
Two: what's the cheapest way to mount my two 1080p monitors vertically? I want one on each side of the 1440p.