12900K - bottleneck on low resolutions in WD Legion

Hi. I have 12900K stock

32 GB 2x16 GB DDR4 3600mhz

Rtx 3090 Ti

1300W Seasonic Platinum Prime

Windows 11 2H22. Updated new nvidia drivers.

I have issue on low resolutions 720P and 1080P in Watch Dogs Legion.

So my fps is the same on 720P and 1080P. Switching between resolutions my fps is the same,no performance change. Only gpu usage is changing. The same with DLSS. Switching between DLSS Quality and Performance not affect performance on 720P and 1080P. Only gpu usage is changing. I am somewhere bottlenecked or games issue?

I test 3dmark firestrike and here is normal. On 720P 350fps. On 1080P 250fps.

So scaling between cpu and gpu is broken in my pc,in Watch Dogs Legion.

But why i am bottlenecked? Bios is updated

I found test and on 12900K should be difference in this game between 720P and 1080P.Screens:

You can afford a 12900k and a 3090ti but not a monitor newer than 2006?

1440P monitor, 720p was cpu test

The screenshots you posted were for a 6900xt and likely a different version of windows update

Nvidia has higher CPU usage in dx12 games

Try disabling your e cores for higher boost unless you’re getting 100% usage

yes your going to bottleneck the cpu.
running a 3090 ti at 720p will bottleneck any cpu currently available under any brand.
that card is specifically designed to run todays AAA titles at 1440p-4k max settings 60-120fps.

while you can choose to run it at 720p its not really a valid use case even for benchmarking, as it doesn’t load up the card enough to give an accurate performance metric due to cpu bottlenecking.

your bottlenecking the gpu by asking it to work with lots of comparatively small workloads.
when its been designed to work with larger but less numerous workloads.
with result the cpu bouncing between 80 and 100%, while the gpu is 40-50% max.

turn up the resolution to 1080p and the bottleneck will start to fade with the cpu spending less time at 100% doing the same task. and gpu usage increases to 50-75%.
1440p your cpu will drop to 95-97% use and gpu will be about the same.
4k your gpu will be pegged at 100% and your cpu will be about 75-85% use.

also dlss doesn’t work like that…
you basically just tried to upscale a 320p image to 720p

if you had dlss turned on for the 720p test you would see zero change because the gpu can provide all the frames at the requested rez.
its only when the gpu cant cope with the load does dlss step in and adjust image scaling and details to maintain a requested frame rate.
when its not needed its basically off even if its enabled.

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Ok thank you . But this:

Why here on Metro Exodus is difference on 12900K between that 2 resolutions then?
But this is rtx 3080 on this review,not 3090 ti.

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as its across the board i would assume its the game engine running into a wall somewhere.
or the increase in clocks on some of the chips isnt enough to alleviate the bottleneck completely.
my guess is its both.
as far as i know, metro exodus like gta 5 breaks once you go over 140ish fps. so it could be that too.

So that fps on 720P and bottleneck dont worry about that? in WD LEGION

at 720p ? no i wouldnt worry about it.

Oki thank you for explanation :slight_smile:

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