12 month Personal Linux challenge

So I’ve played/experimented with various Linux Distros for years. And I’m old enough to remember when cmd line was required for every computer. But recent successes/improvements to game compatability have lead me to consider abandoning Windows alltogether. I took the plunge and installed pop os onto my main computer. I’m on day 4 of not using windows, and so far everything is running well, and I have no complaints. But would love to know of any quality of life, general purpose/use recommendations users might have.


that’s great news! like, windows has its place for stuff and there are people who use and need that OS and ecosystem for whatever reason but the benefits of linux mostly outweigh the negatives and more and more each day!

Others will/may have a whole bunch of terminal tips, package tips, proton and steam and all that and config stuff ofc though when i first started using Pop, i did go the easy way and get updates to auto dl and install (os upgrade and recovery tab in the settings app), and ofc timeshift for simple rsynch backups…makes a difference and frees you up to learn other things too and customize your DE to your liking :smiling_face:

feel free to post in here:


I’m in a similar situation, still daily drive windows on work and gaming PC, but have been running Linux on my laptops for about 4 months. I have one on pop and one on Manjaro and have been very happy with both. Pop is on older hardware so any complaints there are from it being a core i5 4th gen, and the Majaro installation absolutely rips on i5 10th gen framework. If it weren’t for one of my favorite games not running on Linux I would switch my main PC. Next desktop build I’ll likely set up dual boot and just run windows for work and 1 game.

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We actually have a place on the forum for this exact thing. Feel free to add yourself to the participants list and in another 361 days you can mark yourself as complete. Best of luck my friend. Going full time linux (In my personal life, can’t avoid windows at work) has been one of the best things I’ve ever done.

My work PC is unfortunately still windows. But provided by the company and uses proprietary software, so nothing I can do about it But have not even considered booting into windows on a personal computer.

Ive been using linux steadily for about 24 years now, ive seen it evolve in so many ways!
And yet so many people are just a bit nervous about switching whether is lack of knowledge or lack of courage.

Its not a monster but a tool of a different color.
And like any new tool you need to learn the pros and cons of it.
Windows was not originally a bad os to use, in fact it was quite a good one at first.

Its con is the limited format schemes have been around so long that weaknesses have been too widely exploited.
If you as a user did not bother to properly secure your system, then you shouldnt be surprised to find out how many keyholes and backdoors are being actively snooped into.
Yes hardening your system wasnt hard, frankly the annoying nag screen popups would drive anyone insane.

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