Hoping someone can explain something I am seeing on my new PC Build. I recently lucked out and found a R7 5800X so I built a new PC. Parts linked below. I did not have any luck finding a GPU yet so I just moved my GTX 1070 from my old PC to new. Now for some reason I get slightly lower average FPS in benchmarks. My old PC was a 4770K OC to 4.4Ghz so this makes no sense to me. I know its not a lot lower, I just don’t get it.
1070 on 4770K 1080P Medium: 95FPS avg
1070 on 5800X 1080P Medium: 93FPS avg
1070 on 4770K 1080P High: 68FPS avg
1070 on 5800CX 1080P High: 64FPS avg
Are your RAM timings and ‘speed’ set properly? Did you do a fresh install or image your OS? Which OS? Does the new board have you mounting the card in a slot physically further away from the CPU? Are there any UEFI/BIOS settings related to PCI-E that might be affecting things?
It’s completely possible none of these are your issue, but having more information and testing things that only cost a few moments of your time can assist others in helping you.
Yes RAM is set correctly with the 3600 profile loaded in the Bios.
Fresh install of windows 10. Same GPU Driver version. 16X Slot closest to CPU.
I did one more Heaven Benchmark 4.0 at 720p
1070 on 4770K: 257FPS avg
1070 on 5800X: 318FPS avg
So it looks like when the CPU is the bottle neck the 5800X def wins. Is plus or minus a few frames normal when switching to a new system with GPU is bottle neck?
I should think so. Unless you are going for records I don’t really see it as a problem. 2-4fps swing is not really noticeable visually unless it is bouncing up and down those 4fps constantly.
Is this always reproducible run to run or does it sometimes get the same or higher FPS?
One more thing to add: It may come down to simply inefficient cooling affecting your boost clocks.
If your new PC is leaps and bounds performance-wise above your previous system, load the bios to optimized defaults and go from there. You may need to run an aggressive fan profile on your gpu through Afterburner. I use NV Slimmer to remove bloatware from the display drivers (there’s a lot). Just make sure to use DDU beforehand to clear everything out 1st.
Which operating system, including build number? If you aren’t running the latest released build of Windows 10 then its possible you’re missing Zen3 related scheduling fixes?
How fresh is this install? Is it possible it is still doing things in the background like updates, search indexing, etc.?
What are your temps like? Cooler mounted OK, fans blowing the right way, etc.?
My backup unit is a 4770k @ 4.6 and I use an RTX 2070 Super and with a 5600x I get about 15-20-30 more frames in most games at 1080p with the same GPU of course at 1440p the gap will close some but I can tell you something is wrong with your setup.