1 year plant based diet blog

I’m starting a zero meat largely plant only based diet today. To see how difficult it is as well as if I feel better on it. Hopefully lose some weight in the process.


I’m limited on protein I can eat as I’m allergic to beans.

My family has free range chickens and I can eat some of their eggs if need be.

This is not a vegan diet. But zero dairy as well.


Picture Companion Thread.


Congrats, I hope it works out well for you! Look forward to updates!

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okay so what about peas?

Pea protein is fine.

Good luck with it bud!

IIRC, you have stomach reactions to some dairy/meats? Hope non-meat helps in general, and that you are able to get a good balance.

Just because some foods are non meat, does not mean they have all that is needed… so keep an eye on vitamin levels?

Not really with dairy or meat (stomach reactions) I’m trying what I think is more sustainable.

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So the thing is your are allergic to one of the legumes that provides a lot of trace minerals. Finding you a specific protein or protein shake might be hard but I can take a look

What other requirements do you have or allergies?

I’m allergic to chicken (but has never stopped me from eating it). Beef and pork. So it is easy to cut those out. Umm I like beyond burger and other pea protein burgers. Also soy is fine.

It is not all beans that I’m allergic to. I can have peanut butter which is strange indeed. But baked beans and chick peas for instance are out. Same with pinto and black beans.

I think I might know what it is. Have you considered brining the beans before cooking of any sort.

I suspect your allergic to the enzyme that guards the “meat” of the bean so to speak.

I’m not sure what brining is. Let me look it up.
Salting the beans?

Its a methodology to unlock the nutrients and break down the bean. Typically some of our bodies (not all) can do this already. Others cant and result in upset stomaches when eating them. Im completely fine with beans. I dont even get gas so Im one of those people adept to digesting them but others can be different

a salt and baking soda solution is best

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I’ll start today off with a healthy bowl of steel cut oats. And banana.

anyways heres what I suggest. Carbs are killer in a plant based diet. You still have to restrict them.

I suggest a 60% fats 30% protein 10% carbs split on your macros here. You want satiety and fat is what drives that.

I am trying to search for specific protein shake mix that wont upset your stomach

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I do sure like an avocado. (Fat) I used to make eggs in coconut oil or avocado butter.

Great way to get fats. Eat multiple of these a day if you have to. Nuts are another great source. If you can buy them in their raw whole form (not cheaply): Chia seeds and hemp hearts are amazing to add a good amount to shakes.

To really get those fats in you can take a trick out of my moms Keto book. She will incorporate avocado and about a half cup to a cup of Olive oil in her shakes. She makes enough shake that she doesnt taste the oil. It makes it more creamy. It also gives you a massive amount of fats (plant based) and gives you satiety.

Add flax seeds to everything. If you make bread add it to it LOL.

Plant based diets can be difficult due to lots of carbs and less of hte other macros. So you really need to focus on getting your protein and fat needs. The human body needs very little carbs except in the form of fiber and complex carbs to maintain blood sugar

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I could tempt myself with beans. Surprisingly i did not react when chipotle put beans in my burrito by accident. This was like a month ago. I used to have severe reactions to the beans. Like anything canned.

Some family members of mine put these on leafy green salads. When I had them they were tasty. Down side was they aren’t cheap. but If I am going into this I am going all in.

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If your not a fan of bezos and whole foods (Im fine with them)

I suggest this place as a source for them

you also dont need gobs of them. Measured portions save money. Ill say it again Measured portions save money

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I buy bulk off of amazon

6 POUNDS of it

Get a seed grinder if your interested in making flour out of it. Its not hard to make it from the raws and I think its cheaper and funner than buying the various ground flours off the shelf

If your super into organic the others are

but thats for 2 pounds

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