Well i just Ordered a new computer and for the "low low" price of £300 i got a 1Tb ssd and a 3 Tb hdd with it any one know which one i should put the operating system on and which one i should put games on?
yea i know i got real lucky i can send you to the site that i got it from they build computers but you can probbly sweet talk them into just sending you individual components as there real nice people
a website called overclockers.co.uk. i got a pc from them and they asked if i wanted the ssd and the hdd upgrading so it was £100 for a 1tb hdd and a small sdd or 300 for a 1tb sdd and 3tb hdd they only ship to England though but if you live in England you could probably just buy the parts straight from them they are really nice people.