1' Foot CAT5 Cable?

i dont need to re-read your message.

hmm if the box i got was delivered straight from the factory to the job i dont think it was repackaged and i think condidering the job i was doing was for the manufacturer of that cable i dont think it would be repackaged do you?

other manufacturers have plastic in the middle

the plastic is to help with interference from looking online but they can gain the same benerfit from tighter twists for example

Yeah, the plastic separator is not part of the Cat6 specification.
Some manufacturers needed it to make the cable up to spec, some didn't.

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The point I was making was that there was shielding between the individual wires. You flat out denied that cat6 has that. Then you changed your argument to splitting hairs about the specific method used for shielding.

not all cat6 has any form of shielding the spec doesnt call for it.

certain manufacturer's add it because otherwise there cable doesnt meet cat6 spec.

ive used cat6 that looks identical to cat5 other than the fact its a lot thicker wire internally