I’ve always been curious - here in Canada, probably the most popular consumer high-speed internet service is Bell. They use third party hardware (Sagecom FAST 5566) and call the device a Home Hub 3000. Swanky. Where’s HAL?
Speedtests performed on the device result in some nice throughput - but why only gigabit LAN ports?
Is there a way to add say 2.5Gbps or 10Gbps LAN switch and crank up the speed through the modem? I don’t see the ability to bond LAN ports on the modem.
If you are not, then it may be that they are hardware under provisioning for QoS. Basically if one port is hogging the bandwidth, they will be hardware limited to 1Gbps which gives room for the other machines that may only need to sip the connection or require bursty communication.
Either way, not the most ideal design. Where applicable, I usually bring my own hardware so that I am in control of it an can provision things the way that works for my family.
If you do not own it, probably not. Bonding ports is also not a normie consumer thing to do. Also, you can only move data as fast as the slowest part. Besides port bonding, adding a multi-Gbps switch after the 1Gbps port will do nothing for you internet connection. It will help with internal bandwidth within your intranet.
If overall, you are getting the service that you are paying for, there may not be much that you can do here. Ask you ISP if they offer something that will allow you to get the full 1.5 Gbps on the other side of the modem.
It’s odd that they will sell you a 1500 Mbps connection, but only provide hardware that’s capable of 1000 Mbps.
But ISP’s are some greedy bastards, so maybe not that unusual?
I’d complain to them, and ask for either:
A modem capable of the speed you’re paying for.
A 33 % price reduction, since you you can only use 2/3 of the speed you pay for.
Oh, and have you tried running two speedtests at the same time, from two pc’s connected to two seperate ports on the modem?
Will 2 running at the same time reach 1500 Mbps combined?
I’m not a network engineer so honest question - if there are 4 LAN ports on the modem, would you plug two into the switch and then the switch can load balance between the two pipes?
Interesting… just chatting with the provider now (Bell Canada) - seems they are rolling out their new hardware… HomeHub 4000 (HAL?) - Sagecom FAST 5689 under the hood.
And superbly they’ve updated the LAN ports…
•4 x 1 Gbps ports
•1 x 10 Gbps port
Just booking my upgrade now… next stop is a 10Gbps switch and a few NICs.
I looked at the Intel X550-T2 NICs but they’re at least twice the price of relative NICs and doubt they are really worth the price premium? Grabbed an ASUS XG-C100C to test - it’ll be ok? And heck, so pretty in red!
I might be a little late to the party with the HH4000 coming out and everything.
But to anyone else stuck with the HH3000 I’ve seen threads online about using the fiber connection coming into the home and plugging it into a Pfsense box or other custom hardware. From what I understand if you run under the correct vlans it will get the full speed (plus the hardware strong enough).
I hate posting to other forums but since someone else has already done the homework I’ll toss it here.
Interesting… does that actually work? To me there is a unique identifier in the HH3000 that Bell uses to authenticate your account on their WAN. I can’t see how replacing it with 3rd party would work.
A link is established upon the agreement or fixed values of the speed and duplex for said physical port. Changing one specific port will not alter the other side. Nor will it be happy, since the hardware needs to know how to handle those speeds, ie - same port, but different chipset needed. Different chipsets, different layout etc etc.
From what I’ve heard they have a MAC address on their side for each account to each device.
Unfortunately I don’t have anything SFP capable on my network right now so I can’t test personally but I’ve heard a few success stories. The issues I’ve heard people running into usually revolve around the TV side of things because all the Bell boxes are internet based now.
Honestly probably better off trying to get Bell to get you a HH4000 but for the impatient they could try out the theory.
That could be part of it, but MAC addresses are pretty simple to spoof so they likely have another layer to authenticate hardware on their network. I really doubt using a third party device would work.