[Fri Feb 14 18:25:54.573048 2020] [mpm_event:notice] [pid 17868:tid 1995444752] AH00489: Apache/2.4.38 (Raspbian) configured -- resuming normal operations [Fri Feb 14 18:25:54.573562 2020] [core:notice] [pid 17868:tid 1995444752] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2' [Fri Feb 14 18:26:07.413764 2020] [mpm_event:notice] [pid 17868:tid 1995444752] AH00491: caught SIGTERM, shutting down [Fri Feb 14 18:26:07.578945 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 19440] AH00163: Apache/2.4.38 (Raspbian) configured -- resuming normal operations [Fri Feb 14 18:26:07.579292 2020] [core:notice] [pid 19440] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2' [Fri Feb 14 18:26:10.332719 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 19440] AH00169: caught SIGTERM, shutting down [Fri Feb 14 18:26:11.508350 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 19495] AH00163: Apache/2.4.38 (Raspbian) configured -- resuming normal operations [Fri Feb 14 18:26:11.508664 2020] [core:notice] [pid 19495] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2' [Fri Feb 14 18:27:46.231480 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 19495] AH00169: caught SIGTERM, shutting down [Fri Feb 14 18:27:46.535307 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 20369] AH00163: Apache/2.4.38 (Raspbian) configured -- resuming normal operations [Fri Feb 14 18:27:46.535512 2020] [core:notice] [pid 20369] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2' [Fri Feb 14 19:02:53.071926 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 20369] AH00169: caught SIGTERM, shutting down [Fri Feb 14 19:12:33.524791 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 22092] AH00163: Apache/2.4.38 (Raspbian) configured -- resuming normal operations [Fri Feb 14 19:12:33.525034 2020] [core:notice] [pid 22092] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2' [Fri Feb 14 19:23:08.346015 2020] [php7:error] [pid 22099] [client ::1:41560] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Fri Feb 14 19:27:07.968073 2020] [php7:error] [pid 23078] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Fri Feb 14 19:27:07.970322 2020] [php7:error] [pid 22100] [client ::1:41892] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Fri Feb 14 19:29:33.069460 2020] [php7:error] [pid 22500] [client ::1:42062] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Fri Feb 14 19:30:30.042686 2020] [php7:error] [pid 22096] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Fri Feb 14 19:30:57.249146 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 22092] AH00169: caught SIGTERM, shutting down [Fri Feb 14 19:30:57.620550 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 23404] AH00163: Apache/2.4.38 (Raspbian) configured -- resuming normal operations [Fri Feb 14 19:30:57.620766 2020] [core:notice] [pid 23404] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2' [Fri Feb 14 19:31:05.381756 2020] [php7:error] [pid 23412] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Fri Feb 14 19:34:30.382060 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 23404] AH00169: caught SIGTERM, shutting down [Fri Feb 14 19:34:30.676055 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 23494] AH00163: Apache/2.4.38 (Raspbian) configured -- resuming normal operations [Fri Feb 14 19:34:30.676282 2020] [core:notice] [pid 23494] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2' [Fri Feb 14 19:34:39.752159 2020] [php7:error] [pid 23499] [client ::1:42198] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Fri Feb 14 19:35:25.444607 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 23494] AH00169: caught SIGTERM, shutting down [Fri Feb 14 19:35:25.756931 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 23555] AH00163: Apache/2.4.38 (Raspbian) configured -- resuming normal operations [Fri Feb 14 19:35:25.757361 2020] [core:notice] [pid 23555] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2' [Fri Feb 14 19:35:51.485388 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 23555] AH00169: caught SIGTERM, shutting down [Fri Feb 14 23:38:26.383752 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 3194] AH00163: Apache/2.4.38 (Raspbian) configured -- resuming normal operations [Fri Feb 14 23:38:26.384718 2020] [core:notice] [pid 3194] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2' [Fri Feb 14 23:48:09.488516 2020] [php7:error] [pid 3381] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Fri Feb 14 23:48:09.494983 2020] [php7:error] [pid 3202] [client ::1:37780] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Fri Feb 14 23:48:09.498703 2020] [php7:error] [pid 3201] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Fri Feb 14 23:48:09.526300 2020] [php7:error] [pid 3199] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Fri Feb 14 23:48:09.531618 2020] [php7:error] [pid 3378] [client ::1:37788] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Fri Feb 14 23:48:09.535453 2020] [php7:error] [pid 3380] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Fri Feb 14 23:48:12.723277 2020] [php7:error] [pid 3200] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Fri Feb 14 23:48:14.761441 2020] [php7:error] [pid 3198] [client ::1:37796] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Fri Feb 14 23:48:16.925742 2020] [php7:error] [pid 3381] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Fri Feb 14 23:48:19.676863 2020] [php7:error] [pid 3202] [client ::1:37800] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Fri Feb 14 23:48:28.911720 2020] [php7:error] [pid 3201] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Fri Feb 14 23:48:32.241896 2020] [php7:error] [pid 3383] [client ::1:37804] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Fri Feb 14 23:48:57.738376 2020] [php7:error] [pid 3199] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Fri Feb 14 23:50:03.742218 2020] [php7:error] [pid 3378] [client ::1:37808] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Fri Feb 14 23:50:05.448160 2020] [php7:error] [pid 3380] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Fri Feb 14 23:50:06.816082 2020] [php7:error] [pid 3382] [client ::1:37812] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Fri Feb 14 23:50:07.849073 2020] [php7:error] [pid 3200] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Fri Feb 14 23:50:59.881061 2020] [php7:error] [pid 3198] [client ::1:37816] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Fri Feb 14 23:51:31.908492 2020] [php7:error] [pid 3381] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Fri Feb 14 23:52:58.598403 2020] [php7:error] [pid 3200] [client ::1:37820] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Fri Feb 14 23:58:59.167835 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 3194] AH00169: caught SIGTERM, shutting down [Fri Feb 14 23:59:16.907305 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 556] AH00163: Apache/2.4.38 (Raspbian) configured -- resuming normal operations [Fri Feb 14 23:59:16.910771 2020] [core:notice] [pid 556] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2' [Sat Feb 15 00:00:39.404280 2020] [php7:error] [pid 557] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:00:44.214336 2020] [php7:error] [pid 558] [client ::1:58344] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:02:32.379879 2020] [php7:error] [pid 559] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:02:58.996440 2020] [php7:error] [pid 560] [client ::1:58348] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:03:01.664929 2020] [php7:error] [pid 561] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:04:05.872913 2020] [php7:error] [pid 557] [client ::1:58352] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:04:07.141149 2020] [php7:error] [pid 558] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:04:15.245138 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 556] AH00169: caught SIGTERM, shutting down [Sat Feb 15 00:04:32.192148 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 558] AH00163: Apache/2.4.38 (Raspbian) configured -- resuming normal operations [Sat Feb 15 00:04:32.193016 2020] [core:notice] [pid 558] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2' [Sat Feb 15 00:04:43.859778 2020] [php7:error] [pid 559] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:04:49.542341 2020] [php7:error] [pid 560] [client ::1:55898] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:05:41.351326 2020] [php7:error] [pid 561] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:05:43.873194 2020] [php7:error] [pid 562] [client ::1:55908] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:06:12.453261 2020] [php7:error] [pid 563] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:10:59.199915 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 558] AH00169: caught SIGTERM, shutting down [Sat Feb 15 00:11:20.605060 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 563] AH00163: Apache/2.4.38 (Raspbian) configured -- resuming normal operations [Sat Feb 15 00:11:20.606171 2020] [core:notice] [pid 563] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2' [Sat Feb 15 00:11:30.157903 2020] [php7:error] [pid 566] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:11:40.546500 2020] [php7:error] [pid 567] [client ::1:54204] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:12:22.879267 2020] [php7:error] [pid 564] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:13:04.451893 2020] [php7:error] [pid 566] [client ::1:54214] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:15:03.090826 2020] [php7:error] [pid 565] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:16:59.482589 2020] [php7:error] [pid 567] [client ::1:54218] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:18:46.115081 2020] [php7:error] [pid 564] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:18:48.665844 2020] [php7:error] [pid 566] [client ::1:54222] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:18:57.502020 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 563] AH00169: caught SIGTERM, shutting down [Sat Feb 15 00:19:20.305820 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 566] AH00163: Apache/2.4.38 (Raspbian) configured -- resuming normal operations [Sat Feb 15 00:19:20.312920 2020] [core:notice] [pid 566] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2' [Sat Feb 15 00:20:15.022028 2020] [php7:error] [pid 567] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:20:16.527868 2020] [php7:error] [pid 568] [client ::1:45190] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:20:17.378907 2020] [php7:error] [pid 569] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:20:18.137730 2020] [php7:error] [pid 570] [client ::1:45194] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:20:18.797780 2020] [php7:error] [pid 571] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:20:19.330404 2020] [php7:error] [pid 729] [client ::1:45198] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:20:19.878428 2020] [php7:error] [pid 567] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:20:20.361483 2020] [php7:error] [pid 568] [client ::1:45202] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:20:20.911168 2020] [php7:error] [pid 569] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:20:21.517559 2020] [php7:error] [pid 570] [client ::1:45206] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:20:22.147766 2020] [php7:error] [pid 571] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:20:22.921259 2020] [php7:error] [pid 729] [client ::1:45210] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:20:23.792326 2020] [php7:error] [pid 567] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:20:24.596903 2020] [php7:error] [pid 568] [client ::1:45214] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:20:26.346144 2020] [php7:error] [pid 569] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:20:27.865570 2020] [php7:error] [pid 570] [client ::1:45218] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:20:33.605297 2020] [php7:error] [pid 571] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:20:37.190713 2020] [php7:error] [pid 729] [client ::1:45222] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:20:47.243573 2020] [php7:error] [pid 567] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:20:52.727415 2020] [php7:error] [pid 568] [client ::1:45226] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:20:58.830477 2020] [php7:error] [pid 569] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:21:01.327630 2020] [php7:error] [pid 570] [client ::1:45230] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:21:03.214416 2020] [php7:error] [pid 571] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:21:05.537848 2020] [php7:error] [pid 729] [client ::1:45234] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:21:07.862780 2020] [php7:error] [pid 567] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:21:12.396985 2020] [php7:error] [pid 568] [client ::1:45238] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:21:15.771453 2020] [php7:error] [pid 569] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:21:18.379688 2020] [php7:error] [pid 570] [client ::1:45242] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:21:32.212912 2020] [php7:error] [pid 567] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:22:19.377056 2020] [php7:error] [pid 568] [client ::1:45246] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:22:21.988584 2020] [php7:error] [pid 569] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:22:24.225999 2020] [php7:error] [pid 570] [client ::1:45250] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:23:05.966003 2020] [php7:error] [pid 567] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:23:07.050275 2020] [php7:error] [pid 568] [client ::1:45254] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:23:10.132121 2020] [php7:error] [pid 569] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:23:31.609675 2020] [php7:error] [pid 570] [client ::1:45258] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:23:42.426351 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 566] AH00169: caught SIGTERM, shutting down [Sat Feb 15 00:24:01.378484 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 564] AH00163: Apache/2.4.38 (Raspbian) configured -- resuming normal operations [Sat Feb 15 00:24:01.381237 2020] [core:notice] [pid 564] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2' [Sat Feb 15 00:25:12.166118 2020] [php7:error] [pid 566] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:25:13.985088 2020] [php7:error] [pid 567] [client ::1:53390] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:25:15.541158 2020] [php7:error] [pid 568] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:25:17.692784 2020] [php7:error] [pid 569] [client ::1:53394] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:27:01.647661 2020] [php7:error] [pid 583] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:27:57.369592 2020] [php7:error] [pid 567] [client ::1:53398] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:28:01.557855 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 564] AH00169: caught SIGTERM, shutting down [Sat Feb 15 00:28:19.043189 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 557] AH00163: Apache/2.4.38 (Raspbian) configured -- resuming normal operations [Sat Feb 15 00:28:19.044599 2020] [core:notice] [pid 557] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2' [Sat Feb 15 00:28:31.787929 2020] [php7:error] [pid 558] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:28:33.465185 2020] [php7:error] [pid 559] [client ::1:38732] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:28:37.858756 2020] [php7:error] [pid 560] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:28:45.262182 2020] [php7:error] [pid 561] [client ::1:38742] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:29:15.743302 2020] [php7:error] [pid 562] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:29:25.885538 2020] [php7:error] [pid 558] [client ::1:38746] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:29:47.337110 2020] [php7:error] [pid 559] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:30:22.400876 2020] [php7:error] [pid 562] [client ::1:38750] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:30:24.885528 2020] [php7:error] [pid 558] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:30:27.481665 2020] [php7:error] [pid 700] [client ::1:38754] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:30:27.497065 2020] [php7:error] [pid 559] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:30:38.388754 2020] [php7:error] [pid 560] [client ::1:38758] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:31:35.507951 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 557] AH00169: caught SIGTERM, shutting down [Sat Feb 15 00:31:50.289998 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 559] AH00163: Apache/2.4.38 (Raspbian) configured -- resuming normal operations [Sat Feb 15 00:31:50.302871 2020] [core:notice] [pid 559] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2' [Sat Feb 15 00:32:46.424799 2020] [php7:error] [pid 560] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:32:55.583415 2020] [php7:error] [pid 561] [client ::1:40848] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:32:57.305173 2020] [php7:error] [pid 563] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:39:23.850871 2020] [core:notice] [pid 559] AH00052: child pid 563 exit signal Segmentation fault (11) [Sat Feb 15 00:39:24.685313 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 559] AH00169: caught SIGTERM, shutting down [Sat Feb 15 00:39:47.448950 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 560] AH00163: Apache/2.4.38 (Raspbian) configured -- resuming normal operations [Sat Feb 15 00:39:47.450632 2020] [core:notice] [pid 560] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2' [Sat Feb 15 00:48:23.284563 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 560] AH00169: caught SIGTERM, shutting down [Sat Feb 15 00:48:24.555919 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 877] AH00163: Apache/2.4.38 (Raspbian) configured -- resuming normal operations [Sat Feb 15 00:48:24.556130 2020] [core:notice] [pid 877] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2' [Sat Feb 15 00:50:15.192623 2020] [php7:error] [pid 915] [client ::1:50870] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:50:15.199593 2020] [php7:error] [pid 916] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 00:56:15.814236 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 877] AH00169: caught SIGTERM, shutting down [Sat Feb 15 00:56:17.961612 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 957] AH00163: Apache/2.4.38 (Raspbian) configured -- resuming normal operations [Sat Feb 15 00:56:17.961791 2020] [core:notice] [pid 957] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2' [Sat Feb 15 00:57:53.658867 2020] [core:notice] [pid 957] AH00052: child pid 961 exit signal Segmentation fault (11) [Sat Feb 15 00:57:53.659163 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 957] AH00169: caught SIGTERM, shutting down [Sat Feb 15 00:57:53.993069 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 1011] AH00163: Apache/2.4.38 (Raspbian) configured -- resuming normal operations [Sat Feb 15 00:57:53.993252 2020] [core:notice] [pid 1011] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2' [Sat Feb 15 01:00:48.507386 2020] [php7:error] [pid 1015] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 01:00:48.509893 2020] [php7:error] [pid 1018] [client ::1:51100] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 01:07:41.485025 2020] [core:notice] [pid 1011] AH00052: child pid 1064 exit signal Segmentation fault (11) [Sat Feb 15 01:07:41.748044 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 1011] AH00169: caught SIGTERM, shutting down [Sat Feb 15 09:23:42.459543 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 3987] AH00163: Apache/2.4.38 (Raspbian) configured -- resuming normal operations [Sat Feb 15 09:23:42.459779 2020] [core:notice] [pid 3987] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2' [Sat Feb 15 16:01:46.476511 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 3987] AH00169: caught SIGTERM, shutting down [Sat Feb 15 16:01:46.903344 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 4500] AH00163: Apache/2.4.38 (Raspbian) configured -- resuming normal operations [Sat Feb 15 16:01:46.903563 2020] [core:notice] [pid 4500] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2' [Sat Feb 15 16:03:49.556345 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 4500] AH00169: caught SIGTERM, shutting down [Sat Feb 15 16:04:14.366321 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 558] AH00163: Apache/2.4.38 (Raspbian) configured -- resuming normal operations [Sat Feb 15 16:04:14.373890 2020] [core:notice] [pid 558] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2' [Sat Feb 15 16:08:36.282694 2020] [php7:error] [pid 563] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 16:08:41.107571 2020] [php7:error] [pid 702] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 16:29:13.478100 2020] [php7:error] [pid 702] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 16:29:15.424547 2020] [php7:error] [pid 559] [client] script '/var/www/html/remote.php' not found or unable to stat [Sat Feb 15 17:54:37.891279 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 558] AH00169: caught SIGTERM, shutting down [Sat Feb 15 17:54:38.269219 2020] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 1911] AH00163: Apache/2.4.38 (Raspbian) configured -- resuming normal operations [Sat Feb 15 17:54:38.269386 2020] [core:notice] [pid 1911] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2'