Zyppy: The Inconclusive Desktop

So I've been working on this project since last November. It's my first desktop and it's pretty epic however some would call it imbalanced in which yeah... It kinda is. I'm going to use this post as a blog of some sort going over newer additions and modifications. So here's the spec list:

i7 5820K: at the time, I wanted the best of the best which is ironic because I'm a student. My family helped me out a lot and I greatly appreciate it. I couldn't thank them enough for their help. I received this beast as a Birth day present in April.

X99-A: I won it from a bid on eBay via the help of my father. We split the cost 50/50, so I got it for $110. I later had to RMA it because of Ethernet issues so now I have a brand new one. I worked for around eight months to save up for that.

8gb DDR4 Crucial Ballistix: At the time, $70 for 8gb of DDR4 was pretty cheap. I jumped on it with my birthday money. For now, I don't need more.

HD 7870: I love this GPU. It handles Star Citizen at medium just fine at around 45 FPS which is okay for me. I'm considering getting a 380 or even a 690 to use with Linux so it can be used for pass through. My father gave it to me.

Cooler Master 140XL: I love this cooler. It keeps my 5820K under 65C at max load on stock settings (I don't see the difference with higher clocks, it isn't necessary for me). I did ask CM for new mounts as two of four came stripped. They didn't do anything about it until a week ago so those should be here soon.

2tb Toshiba 7200RPM: This drive is great. It used to be in my fathers build but he suspected it had issues. I haven't had a problem. I have it formatted as XFS for my home directory on Linux.

500gb Hitachi 7200 RPM: This drive has been through a lot. I've had it for maybe two years at this point and my father had it in a Dell Vostro 200 for probably ~6 years. Haven't had any issues. It's formatted as BTRFS and compression times are great.

CX600M: My father gave this to me today. It's pretty solid. We couldn't find the PCIe cable though so I think I'm going to order these:

I can't wait to get my system back up and running and I hope the occurrence the other day didn't take anything with it...

openSUSE TW: There is not a better operating system out there. SUSE is solid, always just works, the documentation is fantastic, the community is helpful, and no package manager compares to Zypper (I combined Zypper with Zippy and got Zyppy for its name, my laptop is Yasteroid).

Thats about it. I will upload some pictures when I'm done. Hope you enjoyed the read.

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Should go in Build Logs

Otherwise, what was your previous PC?

Thanks for that.

This is my first desktop. Before that I did everything on a Dell Latitude E5530 with a dual core i5, 4gb RAM, 500gb of storage, and a 1366x768 display. It's pretty slow in comparison.

If you want to consider the Vostro 200 I had for two months then I guess it would of been my previous. It had a core 2 duo, 2gb of ram, and 250gb of storage. Had it a year ago.

Totally shoulda just build some cheap A8 APU build to hold you over, coulda done 720p gaming fairly well at like 300ish dollars.

Didn't want an A8. I built the rig I wanted with the parts we have. Compiling from source would've took forever anyway.

Well ya, but for the year or so you were stuck on those old desktops it woulda been better no?

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For the time, but I'm patient. I waited maybe four to five months longer then I would've snagging an APU. I love the concept, but I'm happy that in the end I got the i7. Gaming wasn't my first priority; I wanted something with 'longevity' (yeah, I know it doesn't exist), and if you look at processors, the only thing we can really do now is improve the price. I'll have something that's still viable in six years for modern computing,

And to be honest, I had no idea where this was going to go to begin with. I saw an X99 board on eBay, knew I wanted something powerful, and jumped on it in January. Back in November my plan was an FX 6300 with a GTX 760 so through a series of events ridden with entropy, I managed something tens of times better for what I do :)
