Zotac ZBOX, GPUs, & Paul's Brutality VS Jennifer | Tek Syndicate

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$8 Skyrim Legendary and $12 ESO For Next 24 Hours

21 hours 14 min ago

WOW, $8 for Legendary edition. Crazy this game...

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Build An Epic $600 - $800 PC (With Mouse, Keyboard, & OS) | Feb 2015

23 hours 41 min ago

i just finished this build. it works great but...

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$8 Skyrim Legendary and $12 ESO For Next 24 Hours

23 hours 47 min ago

Bah, I'll just pick up Ziggurat, maybe those...

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$8 Skyrim Legendary and $12 ESO For Next 24 Hours

1 day 12 min ago

Bummer yeah. Just saw that it went OOS....

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$8 Skyrim Legendary and $12 ESO For Next 24 Hours

1 day 16 min ago

Apparently it sold out... :( Any word on if they...

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$8 Skyrim Legendary and $12 ESO For Next 24 Hours

1 day 39 min ago


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$8 Skyrim Legendary and $12 ESO For Next 24 Hours

1 day 1 hour ago

What is the difference between the Legendary...

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$8 Skyrim Legendary and $12 ESO For Next 24 Hours

1 day 4 hours ago

Wife bought the ESO: Tamriel Unlimited. Awesome...

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://teksyndicate.com/videos/zotac-zbox-gpus-pauls-brutality-vs-jennifer

could you use the zotac nano as a decent pfsense machine? because of 2 gigabit ethernet ports, one to modem and one to a switch? been trying to find a decent build (mini itx sized), but problem is getting wifi card + 2 gigabit ports.

Yeah, I am liking the nano as well. The two gigabit ports are nice. This could make a good HTPC as well. The pricing isn't too bad if you compare it to a laptop, but after buying a monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers/headset you are looking at the same price as a similarly spec'd gaming laptop. So the portability aspect of these small machines, doesn't make much sense. However, for a space saving option it is worth a look.

Loved the end section of the video with Jenny, and Paul engaged in 'gaming-combat' :)

I wish I could get excited about Steam boxes and Steam OS, but they're so locked down into Steam that I just can't really get behind it.

I'm not sure how they're locked down? You can install games from other sources besides Steam as it's just a regular linux box with the Steam client set to run by default.

The Arctic Storm 980 TI has a support pole-thing to hold it up (or a cane, as Luke from LTT called it), otherwise it would probably snap off the PCIe slot.

Apparently the card performs OK, with just air. That water-block between the heatsink and the GPU prevents it from cooling down much more than the stock card. With water it's a beast.

If you're using Steam OS I agree you're locked into Steam. But if you use Windows the world is your oyster! I built a Mini ITX System for my TV a long time ago and it is amazing. Origin, Uplay, Steam and now Gog Galaxy provide me with all the entertainment I could want. Pair that with Pinnacle and I can play pretty much any game on my TV. More and more games are starting to have default controller support as well which is nice.

It very much depends on the hardware in the box, pfsense (FreeBSD) can be a bit picky about hardware as it doesn't support everything. I've looked at Zotacs spec page and it says nothing about what kind of NICs it has. Celeron CPU so no AES-ni for VPN etc. A couple of online shops list it, price seems in line with some Shuttle boxes like DS57u.

Pfsense forum thread:

And that's exactly it. There is almost nothing special about it. It just put Steam at the forefront, pushing all the competitors to the side. Might as well just install a normal Linux distro or Windows.

08:29 ... Jenny is now officially an angry pirate.

Actually, I think they have their own binary blobs that they patch into the kernel, as well as use a custom compositor. Does it make a difference? Well, that's more up for debate. Maybe when AMD and nVidia start giving more, we'll see more improvements in general, especially as SteamOS becomes more stable and approaches production (being shipped with Steam machines).

If we wait for little bit four gigabit ports will appear though these are really cool. Pimion has a review on Zotac ZBOX system too.


I won't tell though mods though @jessRD because I don't see the sinning in it.