50€/$ more for 80MHz?
What do you guys think?
How is the Price/Performance on both?
Theoreticly speaking, i would say its basicly not realy worth it to pay €50,- more for "basicly" the same chip just higher clocked.
You can ofc overclock the the cheaper card aswell.
But remember that overclocking numbers are never realy a guarantee,
Its just a matter of silicon luck.
I need to lookup the exact diffrences in pcb's of both cards, to see whats the exact diffrence there.
But there are ofc also other good brands on the market you which might look at.
like EVGA for example.
EVGA 980Ti FTW AXC2.0+ for example, is also a very sollid card.
Which comes with 1190Mhz stock clock.
I love the backplate design of the Zotac one and in most cases (lol) you just see that side of the GPU.
I also heard that the Zotac, in relation to all other GTX 980Ti, is quite quiet and it's temps are ok too for the coreclock it performs at.
Yeah the Zotac cards look realy beastly.
In terms of performance, they will basicly all be good.
I do like the design of the Extreme aswell.
But i´m not sure if that would be worth €50,- more to go for. (thats personal ofc)
You could look up some reviews from both cards, and decide.
Atleast thats what i mainaly do.
i pick the most interesting cards in terms of price to spec´s, and then look up for some reviews, benchmarks.
Looks is ofc also a thing if you are sensitive for it.
Please tell me you already have a 4k display
The Zotac one is allready my filtered decision - nice OC, design and guarantee.
Nope, I am not jumping on the 4k-train, yet.
I need the performance mainly to never care about 1080p 144Hz gaming performance on at least high-settings ever again.
Well what's your current GPU? Because you could do that for a good deal less money
2x MSI GTX680 Lightning, Unlocked and OCed
I sold my babies for 125€/$ each because no one would pay more...
However, I hate SLI by now - that's one of the reasons I want to change
According to Zotac´s website, the Omega and the Extreme look pretty much the same to me.
So it would all come down to the clockspeed diffrence then i suppose.
I would probably go with the Omega then, because i dont realy think it would be worth it, to pay €50,- more for just a factory overclock.
Well ya know, I mean I guess if you really want to push max settings for 144hz, but like even just a 980 at around 160 Euros less is going to be able to handle it fine
Of course the alternative is a 390, with a free-sync display over a 980ti, which is going to make gameplay smoother and eliminate tearing, same price
Also what's your CPU? seems like it'd be older
Well you cannot realy compair a 390 with a 980Ti in terms of gaming experiance realy.
The 980Ti is in a diffrent league for that matter.
i5 4670k @4GHz
PS: you can look up my whole PC Config on my profile as well: https://forum.teksyndicate.com/users/jameshawkins/activity
After some thinking I wandered away from AMD - NVidia with Shadowplay and simply more performance per Temp/Noise is more my style for now...
I didn't consider a 980 yet - it looked like it's not ment to be played at 144hz 1080p
I think it starts to maybe reach if the 980ti is having a bad day at stocks speeds at 4k on a well OC'd 390
but the benefit of the 390 is getting the free-sync display with it at the same price of a 980ti though
At least until the Nano anyways
otherwise it's more of a higher up 1440p card, depending on the game and settings it'll run well into the hundreds though, in more of the long term, dunno when you'd upgrade next, but the 160 Euros saved is naturally going to give you more performance per dollar down the line.
and ya for 1080p Nvidia cards tend to do better than AMD cards, right now at least AMD cards tend to scale better with higher resolutions though, something to due with the memory bandwidth/bus or what have you.
@Streetguru Freesync is not an option for me anymore after spending around 450€ last year for 2x24" monitors...
Last Upgrade is about 2yrs back (PSU and CPU Cooler).
Now it's time for a new GPU.
The next big upgrade (completly new build) I think will be in around 4-5 years.
Of course future proveness is an important factor - maybe I'll get a 4k screen next...
Here's my build in "Geizhals": http://geizhals.eu/?cat=WL-471920&wlkey=1c60af27b16051226405d596b9283a11
4k seems to be a lot more about productivity rather than gaming, as the cost to game well is a good amount right now, dunno about your 40" 4k display availability though.
Other benefit of the 4k display is that you basically never have to buy another display again, since the GPUs to power 4k will only ever get cheaper and I can't imagine needing more pixels than what 4k gives you.
but ya, just grab whatever 980ti is like cheapest, or just OC the crap out of a standard 980 and save a bit of cash for 1080p gaming at least
as I said, I want my PC to be more quiet and less heat is wellcome too.
A stock GTX980Ti is too loud and (even if this seems childish) just doesnt look good.
4K would be interesting in around 2-3 years maybe - but that's another topic :)
My PC:
Not realy sure what you mean by this?