Zorin OS

I recently came across Zorin OS on Reddit and I was interested to see if anyone here uses it? Looks like a Windows clone type of thing, but interesting to say the least.


Edit: Copy/pasted the wrong link. Oops!

It's not a distro really made for every day use, I rather treat it as something interesting.
And how does Leap have anything to do with Zorin?

Yes, it looks a bit like Windows, but that's it. You can make most of the popular distro's look like what ever OS you like, with themes and icon sets. Think of it as a fancy dress party. I could put on an Obama mask and a suit, it doesn't make me the president of the USA.

Quote from distrowatch:

"Zorin OS is an Ubuntu-based Linux distribution designed especially for newcomers to Linux. It has a Windows-like graphical user interface and many programs similar to those found in Windows. Zorin OS also comes with an application that lets users run many Windows programs."

Logan and I used it quite a while back.
it was nifty.

Didn't use it long enough to form a negative or positive opinion.

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I've used Zorin for a while now, and it is pretty well made. It's essentially a heavily modified gnome. I personally switched to Xubuntu, which I highly reccomend. Zorin is not the most lightweight distro in the world, but I've run the 32bit version on some older Dell D630's and it runs like a champ. I'd say give it a shot, it is a very good stepping stone for windows users getting into Linux.

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I may give it a shot in a VM then (can't try it right now due to bandwidth caps). I had just never heard of it before and wondered if people actually used it, but it looked interesting. I think regular Gnome 3 is a solid, modern interface. I tried Linux Mint for a few days and got annoyed with how old school the menus felt. They just seemed to resemble Gnome 2 and the Ubuntu 9.04 days to me. But that's my opinion, any linux is good linux.

Also I pasted the wrong link in the original post, my bad.

I actually used Zorin for few months on spare computer, few days ago, replaced it with Ubuntu MATE. My experience with Zorin: Looks nice, but it is overdone in my opinion, it worked very well, no major problems untill few weeks ago, with some random errors connected with nVidia driver (even after driver reinstall, whole system reainstall..), and that was main reason why I changed it.

Because of way pumped env., some applications refuse to run under Zorin (have that on mind as possibility).

It is good distro, but there are much more elegant solutions with less complications (such as Ubuntu MATE).

Zorin os is ok I have used it myself moved on to gnome on ubuntu 15.10 currently. The only thing I noticed was it used Ubuntu 14.04 as its core with a modified gnome desktop. found support not great. The only real question is what type of hardware are you wanting to run on? If you are running old stuff and want a windows feel Lubuntu is not bad. Look sorta like windows xp. Just keep in mind you may want to stick with a LTR (long term release) if you are new to ubuntu. The newer distro's sometimes have interesting bugs and driver issues that may drive you crazy.

Jumping on the necro bandwagon - to all people wanting a windows-like desktop;
choose your favourite distro instead of one trying to mimic windows, install cinnamon + the win10 transformation theme pack


I´m going to jump this topic aswell.
i know its allready an old topic,
but i just like to share my opinnion about it.

i played arround with Zorin aswell for a while and i realy like it.
Would be nice to see a LTS version in the future.
For the rest its realy snappy and stable, and definitely a distro that i could recommend for starters.
It comes pretty loaded with software, some users might like or dislike that.
But overall for starts who are comming from Windows, i think Zorin might be a nice place to start.
Could not realy find much negative things about it.

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