hi guys I need some help on how to set up the fans im going to be buying I have a zalman z11 case witch comes with 3 fans already one at the back,front and top it has space for another fan at the top and one at the bottom.im buying a hyper 212 evo to go with my fx8350 my mobo is a Asus m5a78lm/usb3 (possibly changing soon to a 990fx board) which has two fan connectors one 3 pin and one 4 pin,I'm also buying a dual pack of corsair af 120mm fans to go with the system to try and lower the noise right now it's only really load because of the stock amd cooler.
i would like to know what the best fan config would be as in the end I would have 5 chassis fans (not including the hyper 212) If possible I would like to use all of them just not sure where to put them.ps there are also some sort of tiny fans on the side panels that I never really used and bare in mind there will now be 4 fans that use 3/4 pin connector the board only has 2 fan connector so will probably also be ordering a couple fan splitters.
So far my options that I can think of that would be good are:
Option 1:
Front:1x corsair af 120mm
Top:2x fans that came with case
Back:1x corsair af 120mm
Bottom:1x fan that came with case
The front,back and one of the top ones will use the 3pin connectors along with the CPU fan.the rest will use molex.
Option 2:
Front:1x fan that came with case
Back:1x corsair af
Top:2x fan came with case
And the other corsair fan will go on the hyper 212 evo in a push pull config
What are you thought of these configs any suggestion if so I would also like the reasoning
Many thanks guys much appreciated
Fx 8350
R9 280x