Hello guys,
At the moment I have AMD FX 8350, 24 gigs or DDR3 ram, R9 270x and a 750w corsair PSU. but the thing is that AMD just does not do it's job well enough when it comes to gaming (MMO's in particular) so I got i7 4790k as a present but I also need a new motherboard for it. Which one should I chose? I heard that z97 chipset is the best because it enables overclocking and is quite future proof. which Z97 motherboard should I get to support the hardware that I already have + a new I7 4790k CPU? I need stable temperatures, good overclocking capabilities, trusted manufacturer and ofc nice looks. ( I have a big window on the side of my case)It also has to be less expensive than sabertooth. I also dont have access to EVGA products. I would like to hear your opinion
Asus Maximus VII Hero gets my personal vote, its offcourse a bit on the expensive side, but i personaly like the feutures that comes with the board. It has very nice looks to start with with lighting southbridge heatsink. but further its a true 8 power phase digi vrm board, it has good onboard audio, with sonig opt amp, for headphones, further it has intel lan. its realy a nice board in my opinnion.
If the Hero is a bit too expensive, then Msi Z97 Gaming 7 is also a very nice alternative board to look at. 6+1 powerphase with doublers. also good onboard audio, only this board comes with killer lan.
Basicly every decent Z97 board will do, its a bit depending on what you wanne spend, and which feutures you like, and offcourse the color theme..
Yeah I was looking into MSI Gaming series. they are very affordable and have good reviews. What do you think about the quality of MSI boards? because I had some bad experiences with heat when I was running AMD set-up
Theire intel boards are fine. remember, that intel cpu´s use allot less power then AMD cpu´s for that matter. With AMD board you realy gonne need a decent vreg design on your board to run and overclock FX8 core cpu´s.
With intel haswell they consume allot less power, and the voltage regulation is inside the chip it self. So basicly every decent Z97 board will overclock.
I´n my opinnion those msi boards are totaly fine, im personaly not realy a fan of killer lan, But thats because i do virtualization my self.
If you look at the MSi gaming series boards, then i would say go with the Gaming 7. The 2 extra powerphases over the Gaming 5, the extra 2 sata ports, and the dual amps and extra usb 3.0 ports on the Gaming 7 is worth the extra money to me. ☺
I'm just an average gamer. I want to overclock, turn-on and leave it for the rest of its life :) I dont mess with fancy networking im not and audiophile I just want to play dem games and stream :) that is what I do. btw is I7 4790k better for streaming than AMD 8350? I think so. at least in games it should be way faster. my friend has i5 and he is getting 10-30 fps more than I do in Dayz. his GPU is even slower than mine
yes the i7 is better in gaming and also streaming yes.
The reason why you friend gets better fps then you, is because DayZ is a cpu bound game. in which the FX8350 bottlenecks a highend gpu.
Most MMO´s run better on intel, because they dont use much cores. intel cpu´s have a much better single threaded performance clock for clock then amd cpu´s have. thats the reason why.
haswell i5´s / i7´s allways will be better then FX in cpu bound, or cpu + gpu demending gaming scenario´s like multiplayer.
what will 2 extra power phases give me?
Not realy much basicly. the only thing with those 6 pwm phase boards means, 12 mosfets, 12 chokes (12 marketing phase count), So this board will basicly run cooler on higher overclocks then the Msi Z97 Gaming 5 with 4 pwm phases so 8 mosfets and chokes. ( 8 marketing phase count)
Gaming 5 is totaly fine if you dont care about extra feutures. in terms of overclocking, thats a chip sillicon lottery. that the vreg runs a littlebit warmer on the 5 doesnt realy matter that much.
what temps am I looking at when comparing gaming 5 with gaming 7?
About temps there is nothing to say about that, because simply every system is diffrent, every ambient is diffrent, every case can have diffrent airflows and what not.
how hot the mosfets and vrm´s go there is not realy much to say about. cause that depends on cooling aswell.
Thatthe gaming 7 will basicly run cooler on the vreg thats offcourse a rule of a thumb, because of the extra phases and mosfets, but it does not realy matter that much, you will be good either way.
In terms of overclocking on intel, is just a matter of sillicon luck. so you will reach the same oc´s on the gaming 5 and the 7. Because it just depends on the chip. intel cpu´s draw allot less power then AMD you cannot compair that.
Like i said the i would go for the gaming 7 because it has more feutures to offer, but since you are not interessted in that, you should basicly grab the gaming 5.
I think I will get gaming 5. it is looking quite well.