YouTube's new Terms of Service says if you are not a successful business, your account can easily be deleted

Depends… $4 for the first year, in the EU, 20GB capacity with the option of connecting your own domain, no account limit, IMAP / POP3 / SMTP / OX App Suite.

Only one of many ways they can close your account down at will…

agreed …nothing burger

We’re a victim of vagueness more than anything here in this regard.

Uhm… YouTube is a private platform. They could always terminate your account without any reason at all. Why is this news to anyone?


Yup, people have the wrong perception it’s an open platform because it’s an internet staple. IT’S NOT. They started really prioritizing services to the people that pay them the most, because ECONOMICS.

Which is why it’s easy to influence when lobbyists have deep pocketbooks.

To be fair, YouTube are the ones who put forth that perception for several years by allowing pretty much everything on their platform, even if their rules said otherwise. I have a hard time blaming the users for having the “wrong” perception when the rules are vague and selectively enforced.

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It wasnt nice, so I black holed it.

next time I’ll be sure to let you take your licks.

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He kept you safe from my wrath.

Now say thank you.

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